On 01 October, Andreas Haupt took over the management of the company communication at polymer specialist REHAU. Based at the administrative centres Rehau and Erlangen, the 48-year-old Vienna-native will from now on be managing the global communication activities of the company group and will be responsible for the strategies to strengthen the REHAU brand communication.

The experienced brand and communication specialist has many years of management experience as well as relevant B2C and B2B experience. For 17 years he worked at the globally active HENKEL Group, most recently as Vice President Central-East Europe. In the past he was responsible as marketing director of NOMAD Foods and the IGLO brand for the countries Austria and Switzerland and for Central-Eastern Europe. Here he was responsible for holistic corporate/brand communication in the central team.

Andreas Haupt succeeds Klaus Gollwitzer, who, after 20 years at the company, is leaving REHAU to seek new professional challenges. REHAU would like to thank Gollwitzer for his many years of regional and international commitment and his services in the development of the polymer specialist’s worldwide company communication.

Under the leadership of Andreas Haupt, the international communications network is to be further expanded and integrated with new marketing concepts from the five divisions Window Solutions, Building Solutions, Industrial Solutions, Furniture Solutions and Automotive. William Christensen, CMO and a member of the Group Executive Board at REHAU, considers the marketing professional Haupt to be perfectly qualified for this task. He welcomed the new communications chief at the Rehau location.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Helmut-Wagner-Str. 1
95111 Rehau
Telefon: +49 (9283) 77-0
Telefax: +49 (9283) 77-7756

Doris Beer
Telefon: +49 (9283) 77-1004
Fax: +49 (9283) 77-7756
E-Mail: doris.beer@rehau.com
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