Distec GmbH – leading German specialist for TFT flat screens and system solutions for industrial and multimedia applications – will present their new IoT-compliant POS-Line IoT monitor for industry 4.0 applications at the upcoming SPS IPC Drives 2017 in Nuremberg, Germany. At this leading European trade show for electrical automation, Distec will display the new monitor and further highlights from November 28 to 30, 2017 at Stand 228 in Hall 8. Part of the well-proven POS-Line series, the new monitor is based on the newly developed Artista-IoT controller board, integrating the latest generation of the Raspberry PI Compute Module (CM3). "With our self-developed Artista-IoT TFT controller, our customers receive a networkable monitor or panel PC," stated Michael Dernbach, Product Marketing Manager Display Solutions at Distec. "Thus, they can visualize the digitalization of their processes and enhance efficiency through a transparent manufacture. The POS-Line IoT monitor or panel PC is optimally suited for cost-efficient IoT applications for industry and digital signage." The monitor is easy to adapt to individual environments. A costly PC with a lot of peripherals is now superfluous. Without any license costs, Distec intelligently connects nearly any device. Individual solutions by the TFT specialist include, among others: HMI devices, digital whiteboard and production visualization (worker guidance, Andon systems, process status displays), medical technology, aerospace, and digital signage.
Extensive Functionality and Accessories
The Artista-IoT controller card provides comprehensive functionality with direct control, 100 Mbit Ethernet, real-time clock, and special functions such as DICOM pre-set, gamma correction, and color calibration. Available interfaces include USB, GPIOs, I²C, and UART. The compatibility to Raspberry PI offers the broad support of a large community of developers for advancement and integration. Distec delivers a starter kit consisting of a baseboard, CM3, 10.1-inch display with PCAP multi-touch as well as all necessary cables.
Über die FORTEC Integrated GmbH
Distec is a company of the Data Display Group (www.datadisplay-group.com), the worldwide operating specialist for TFT flat screen and system solutions for industrial, multimedia and digital signage applications. Located in Germering near Munich in Germany, the company designs, produces and sells innovative solutions and a full range components, displays and services. Data Display Group supplies innovative Green IT solutions based on their hardware platforms and their own software to control the TFTs of partners Samsung, Innolux, Kyocera, and Mitsubishi as well as selected panels from other manufacturers. These system solutions – from assemblies and kits up to finished OEM products – are developed in their own R&D centers in Germering (Germany) and Ronkonkoma (NY/USA). The range of services includes customized developments and adaptations, product finishing and assembly of monitoring systems as well as the production of finished products and a complete after-sales service with RMA, repair and technical support. Since 01/01/2016, Distec is a member of the Fortec Group with access to products, services, and expertise of a large high-tech company network, which makes a perfect complement to the product portfolio. More information can be found on the homepage: http://www.distec.de
Products from Data Display Group are available at:
Europe: Distec GmbH, Germering, http://www.distec.de
UK and Benelux: Display Technology, Rochester, http://www.displaytechnology.co.uk
Turkey and Middle East: DATA DISPLAY BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ LTD ŞTi., Istanbul, http://www.data-display.com.tr
North America: Apollo Display Technologies, Ronkonkoma NY, http://www.apollodisplays.com/
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
FORTEC Integrated GmbH
Augsburger Str. 2b
82110 Germering
Telefon: +49 (89) 894363-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 894363-131
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