• “Spotlightmetal” portrays the whole value chain
  • Online-platform with networking possibility for the light metal casting industry

“Spotlightmetal” gets started: The cooperation between Würzburg-based specialized media house Vogel Business Media and NürnbergMesse has just started a couple of weeks ago, but has already caught a lot of attention – online and offline. For Matthias Bauer, Speaker of the Management Board of Vogel Business Media, the formula for success is obvious: “With the new international portal we want to shed light on the technical and economic opportunities and challenges of light metal casting and offer support and orientation to the players in this segment. I am looking forward to a successful cooperation with NürnbergMesse”. An added value that offers outstanding synergies according to Peter Ottmann and Dr. Roland Fleck, CEOs of the NürnbergMesse Group: “Our international fairs and digital platforms complement each other perfectly. ‘Spotlightmetal’ shows ideally how industry topics can be portrayed practically orientated and whets your appetite for the next fair.”

In January 2018 NürnbergMesse and the Würzburg-based specialised media house Vogel Business Media launched the new, international portal "Spotlightmetal", which is dedicated to the world of light metal casting. The English-language portal covers the entire value chain: from suppliers and providers such as machine or plant manufacturers – through foundries to sales and customer markets, especially automotive, electronics, medical technology and machinery.

With the leading European event for the die-casting industry “Euroguss” and other international offshoots in China, India and Mexico, NürnbergMesse has been offering a prestigious event for the die-casting sector and for all relevant market players for 14 years. Vogel Business Media has a high level of expertise in digital marketing as well as a diverse portfolio of digital products for the B2B market. In addition, specialist titles of Vogel Business Media such as "Automobil Industrie" or "Konstruktionspraxis" offer access to the sales markets of the light casting industry.

You can find the new portal at www.spotlightmetal.com.


Über die Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG

Vogel Business Media is one of Germany’s major specialized media houses with 100+ specialized magazines, 100+ web portals, 100+ business events as well as numerous mobile offers and international activities. Head office is in Würzburg. The Group’s print and digital media and opportunities for live communication serve some 20 sectors in the fields of Industry, Automotive, Information Technology, Law/Business/ Taxation and B2B Communication. Additional services range from trade fair services to communication services and communities as well as market intelligence and insights. The company celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2016.

NürnbergMesse Group: NürnbergMesse is one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world. The portfolio covers some 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses and approx. 40 sponsored pavilions at the Nuremberg location and worldwide. Every year, over 30,000 exhibitors (international share: 41%) and up to 1.4 million visitors (international share of trade visitors: 24%) participate in the own, partner and guest events of the NürnbergMesse Group, which is present with subsidiaries in China, North America, Brazil, Italy and India. The group also has a network of about 50 representatives operating in over 100 countries.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG
Max-Planck-Str. 7/9
97082 Würzburg
Telefon: +49 (931) 418-0
Telefax: +49 (931) 418-2750

Dr. Gunther Schunk
Chief Communication Officer
Telefon: +49 (931) 4182590
Fax: +49 (931) 418-2750
E-Mail: gunther.schunk@vogel.de
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