With www.spotlightmetal.com, a new international offer from NürnbergMesse and Vogel Business Media was launched in January 2018. The English-language portal deals with technical and economic opportunities and challenges of the light metal casting sector and is intended to provide assistance and orientation.

This globally-focused market is exposed to extreme forces and profound changes: digitalisation, eMobility und alternative manufacturing processes such as additive manufacturing force established suppliers of aluminium, magnesium and zinc die-casting products to react quickly to new trends and adapt to changing customer requirements.

Thus, the new digital content platform covers the entire value-added chain in the following three channels:

  • Markets: market news, commodity prices, market developments, trade fairs, awards
  • Technologies: new processes in the die casting sector, new
    technologies, competitive processes such as additive manufacturing and 3D printing, innovations, industry 4.0, materials, alloys
  • Industries: automotive industry, medical technology, aerospace and electronics

Target groups are machine and plant manufacturers, suppliers for the casting industry, foundries as well as raw material and market experts. In addition, the range of content is also aimed at the customer markets for castings and uses practical reports, commentaries and application scenarios to work out the special features of the various products. The range of topics reported on includes current developments in the industry, technological innovations, process technologies, advantages of light metals and production methods.

You will find the new portal at www.spotlightmetal.com.

Über die Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG

Vogel Business Media is one of Germany’s major specialized media houses with 100+ specialized magazines, 100+ web portals, 100+ business events as well as numerous mobile offers and international activities. Head office is in Würzburg. The Group’s print and digital media and opportunities for live communication serve some 20 sectors in the fields of Industry, Automotive, Information Technology, Law/Business/ Taxation and B2B Communication. Additional services range from trade fair services to communication services and communities as well as market intelligence and insights. The company celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2016.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG
Max-Planck-Str. 7/9
97082 Würzburg
Telefon: +49 (931) 418-0
Telefax: +49 (931) 418-2750

Dr. Gunther Schunk
Chief Communication Officer
Telefon: +49 (931) 4182590
Fax: +49 (931) 418-2750
E-Mail: gunther.schunk@vogel.de
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