It’s instinctive. It’s natural. It makes sense. XYZ is used daily, worldwide, as a short, easy to remember phrase. XYZ is also composed of three letters, just like other popular extensions, such as .com, .net, and .org, which brings a familiar quality to an innovative new extension. We end the alphabet with XYZ – we end a domain name the same way.
Anyone can use XYZ-Domains for any purpose. YYZ-domains are affordable, instantly recognizable, and easily adaptable. It’s for bloggers, retailers, and businesses of any size or industry. The XYZ-Domain is ideal for companies that want a shorter version of their URL, are looking to launch promotions and microsites, or simply want to shake up their image.YXZ-Domain is an international extension, so users across the globe can register a .xyz domain name and connect with their audience.
Mark Mueller… (German)… (English
Secura GmbH
Frohnhofweg 18
50858 Koeln
Telefon: +49 (221) 2571213
Telefax: +49 (221) 9252272
Telefon: +49 (221) 2571213
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