Deutsche Telekom is convinced of oneclick’s business idea – a platform for automated and secure provisioning of digital workspaces. After the successful application, oneclick AG’s innovation motor was accepted into the telecommunication company’s start-up programme. TechBoost accelerates selected technology start-ups with a 100.000€ credit balance for the Open Telekom Cloud and offers discounts on Telekom products and tariffs. Open Telekom Cloud is a Public-IaaS-Product of Deutsche Telekom, managed by T-Systems. German provider T-Systems exclusively operates computer centres in Germany and thus fulfils all relevant security requirements and regulations for the operation of secure IT services. Aside from comprehensive cloud services, TechBoost start-ups additionally benefit from valuable sales and marketing support.

Via oneclick™ applications and data can be provided as a stream into a central workspace in the browser from any server location. Users can access their secure and mobile workspace environment using any terminal device. With the Cloud Resource Manager, virtual machines can be provided and managed directly via oneclick in the computer centres of well-known IaaS providers. This function will now be complemented with the Open Telekom Cloud.

Über die oneclick Group AG

oneclick AG with headquarters in Zurich (Switzerland) and an innovation engine in Traunstein (Germany) is specialized in the development and operation of a cloud platform for automated and secure deployment of digital workspaces. The oneclick™ Cloud Platform is the easiest, fastest and safest way to provision all business applications including associated data and connect users to it. As a central access and distribution platform in the cloud, oneclick™ enables management of the entire technology stack for application deployment. The goal of oneclick AG is to play a major role in shaping and improving end user computing.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

oneclick Group AG
Feldeggstraße 26
CH8008 Zürich
Telefon: +41 (44) 57888-93

Dominik Birgelen
Press Contact
Telefon: +41-44-5788893
Alexander Vater
Telefon: +49 (8051) 9397-538
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