NETGO maintains a close partnership with leading manufacturers of the IT sector. In addition to its own systems integrator business, NETGO also offers a reliable interface to the trade. With its business unit "Reseller-Solutions“, the NETGO Group supports other IT resellers with their project implementations, offering a high level of consulting expertise. More than 60 systems integrators are already being supported by NETGO Reseller-Solutions and this number is to continue to grow. "Our focus is on standardised, efficient and user-friendly solutions for the conventional IT of companies“, says Patrick Kruse, managing director at NETGO. "A perfect match to our portfolio, the oneclick™ platform will help us achieve this objective.“

Applications and data can be provided as a stream from any server location in a central workspace in the browser using oneclick™. Users can access their secure and mobile workspace environment with any device. The Cloud Resource Manager allows that virtual machines in the data centres of well-known IaaS providers can be provided and administered directly from oneclick™. Thanks to oneclick™, an operational IT environment is ready-to-use in a few minutes as a new and simple form of deployment and delivery of applications and data. "NETGO’s close connection with its own and managed systems integrators as well as their own, large data centre operation, is a useful addition to our proven distribution environment“, summarises Dominik Birgelen, CEO of oneclick AG. "We tap into a new target audience using NETGO and will continuously receive valuable feedback directly from users regarding their needs for the development of our platform and services.“

The two companies met through systems integrator association kiwiko eG. Kiwiko is an interest group of independent IT systems integrators. NETGO and oneclick are both members or technology partners.


The NETGO Group employs over 300 staff and in 2017 generated an annual turnover of around 45 million euros. In addition to NETGO GmbH and its business units Systems Integrators, Reseller-Solutions, Consulting, Smartwork and and Innovations, the NETGO Group also includes Data Westfalia GmbH (cloud solutions), SILA Consulting GmbH (IT security consulting) as well as CompuTech GmbH, bükotec GmbH (IT systems integrators), CONTENiT GmbH (ECM solutions) and SAM Now GmbH (SAM consulting). The group has a number of locations in the German states of North Rhine Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria as well as the Netherlands.

Über die oneclick Group AG

oneclick AG with headquarters in Zurich (Switzerland) and an innovation engine in Traunstein (Germany) is specialized in the development and operation of a cloud platform for automated and secure deployment of digital workspaces. The oneclick™ Cloud Platform is the easiest, fastest and safest way to provision all business applications including associated data and connect users to it. As a central access and distribution platform in the cloud, oneclick™ enables management of the entire technology stack for application deployment. The goal of oneclick AG is to play a major role in shaping and improving end user computing.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

oneclick Group AG
Feldeggstraße 26
CH8008 Zürich
Telefon: +41 (44) 57888-93

Dominik Birgelen
Telefon: +49 (8051) 9397523
Alexander Vater
Telefon: +49 (8051) 9397-538
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