The Skypod system is a complete Goods To Person solution designed for the eCommerce.

Modern logistics are facing a double challenge of performance and agility. It must keep a total adaptability to a moving market, while ensuring the preparation of thousands of orders per day, for a same-day delivery.

The Skypod system is the first order preparation system in the world, based on 3D mobile robots. These robots transfer bins of goods to a 10-meter mass storage and bring them to the picking operators.

“The Skypod Systems answers to a strong need we have identified since the creation of Exotec 3,5 years ago. Customers are looking for high performance and high-density systems, that can be easily modified to follow the unpredictable growth of their business. “They cannot afford to invest in cathedrals of steel, for the next 10 years” says Romain Moulin, CEO of Exotec Solutions.

“The system has been built, since the beginning, to ensure a fast deployment and a full scalability. Our free navigation allows reaching 4 meters / seconds, and the artificial intelligence of the control allows to setup the system in only a few weeks on site.” Says Renaud Heitz, CTO and cofounder.

The fast implementation of the Skypod solution can slash a year out of commonly accepted lead times to get beneficial use of such systems. This leads to better ROI and allows to follow the pace of the eCommerce business.

Business intelligence survey recently projected that the demand for automated systems will be beyond 600.000 to be compared to the 100.000 already in service.

Exotec Solutions, brings automation to small, medium and large DC’s allowing future proof investments.

The use of the full height of the logistics buildings reduces by 5 the needed surface compared to a traditional Person To Goods solution.

In addition, our Skypod, is saving energy as it recovers most of the energy spent during decelerations, and downwards movements. And its low power consumption allows installations without the need of a dedicated additional power supply.

The redundancy in the system is also a key advantage, as it ensures a good availability, and the possibility of a true 24/7 operation, thanks to the maintenance made possible while the system is online. Performing maintenance is possible by retrieving one Skypod, leaving the rest of the fleet operational.

The key advantages are:

Capacity and productivity

Goods to man system to ensure performance and ergonomy


Adding racks and robots is easy and without production interruption. The system size can follow the actual growth needs without anticipation on investments.


Skypod solution doesn’t rely on batches or order combination, it adapts seamlessly to order profile variations.


Thanks to its massive parallelism concept there is no single point of failure and it allows 24 / 7 operations whilst allowing maintenance during production.

Energy saving

With minimal live loads and an embedded energy recovery capability the Skypod solution can claim an impressive 80% energy saving compared to traditional automation.


The pure goods to man concept of the Skypod allows a very late prioritization of orders and therefore an incomparable reactivity. With Skypod the next order to be prepared is always the most urgent one!

About Exotec Solutions

Established in 2015, Exotec Solutions has successfully installed 4 systems and is planning to install more than twice in 2019. With Partners in Italy, Germany, USA, and Poland, Spain, Benelux, UK, Japan, South Korea, Middle east during 2019, the Skypod will be soon available worldwide.

Press Contact:;  Gilles Baulard Tel +33 (0)6 13 30 65 30

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