Looking at the immense range that Wunderlich is offering just in time for delivery of the first BMW R 1250 RT, it quickly becomes clear: The Wunderlich developers have very clearly devoted the same ingenious passion to the RT as they did with the GS. Anyone who wants to personalise and optimise the suspension or design of their RT will definitely find what they‘re looking for here. The same goes for model-specific luggage solutions and the comprehensive active and passive protection for the machine.
Experience shows that components, which BMW motorcyclists think Wunderlich has outstanding product competence for, are always the first choice: This includes the comfortable »ERGO« seats, relieving and protective »MARATHON« tour windscreens and wind deflectors, handlebar risers, adjustable foot rest systems as well as brake and clutch levers when it comes to the ergonomic, personalised adjustment of the RT to your own needs. Passive safety can be significantly enhanced with the modularly constructed, coordinated Wunderlich protection bars for the engine, tank, faring and cases. Whether it‘s luggage solutions, navigation and design, auxiliary headlights and headlight protectors, extra mirrors or additional faring complements – Wunderlich components for the BMW R 1250 RT leave nothing to be desired.
Wunderlich products always stand for top quality, integrated design, sophisticated functionality, the best materials and careful manufacture and craftsmanship.
Wunderlich offers components for all current BMW motorcycles and lots of older model series.
Wunderlich GmbH
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 6 – 8
53501 Grafschaft-Ringen
Telefon: +49 (2641) 3082-0
Telefax: +49 (2641) 3082-208
Leitung Produktmanagement
Telefon: +49 (2642) 9798-165
Fax: +49 (2642) 9798-53
E-Mail: fw@wunderlich.de