NEXUS AG, one of the leading European suppliers of software solutions in the healthcare sector, was able to increase its sales by 14.6% and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) by 14.0% in the fiscal year 2018. As a result, NEXUS Group continued its successful positive sales and earnings trend of recent years.

In 2018, sales improved by 14.6% from KEUR 119,083 to KEUR 136,469. The international share of total business volume was 46.0% (previous year: 44.4%) and amounted to KEUR 62,769 compared to KEUR 52,905 in the previous year.

The Group result before interest and taxes (EBIT) increased considerably by 14.0% to KEUR 15,181 (previous year: KEUR 13,316). The result before taxes (EBT) reached KEUR 14,929 following KEUR 13,282 in period of the previous year (+12.4%). EBITA increased by 14.1% from KEUR 16,075 (2017) to KEUR 18,335. The EBITDA increased by 12.6% to KEUR 26,708 (previous year: KEUR 23,718) during the reporting period.

The operative cash flow amounted to KEUR 20,241 in 2018 after KEUR 21,677 in the previous year. At the end of 2018, the company had cash resources at its disposal in the amount of KEUR 27,016 (previous year: KEUR 28,385). NEXUS AG had equity capital amounting to KEUR 108,325 as of 31 December 2018 (previous year: KEUR 103,009). Consequently, the equity capital rate is 51.2% (previous year: 68.1%). This demonstrates that NEXUS AG has a sustainable and healthy balance sheet as well as sufficient capital for further financing of its European growth strategy.

At the annual general meeting on 3 May 2019, the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board will propose to pay a dividend of EUR 17 cents per share.

The detailed Annual Report 2018 can be found on our homepage at: – Company – Investor Relations – Financial Reports


Über die NEXUS AG

NEXUS AG is a software vendor specialized in eHealth solutions. NEXUS software helps hospitals, psychiatric and rehabilitation clinics to increase efficiency and safety in treating patients. More than 1,280 staff members at NEXUS develop solutions for approx. 270,000 users in 25 countries.

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78166 Donaueschingen
Telefon: +49 (771) 22960-0
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Melanie Ilic
Investor Relations
Telefon: +49 (771) 22960-260
Fax: +49 (771) 22960-266
Dr. Patrick Stein
Telefon: +49 (771) 22960-201
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