The ultra-high resolution LumiTop model merges a 150 megapixel camera with the high-end spectroradiometer CAS 140D. Using the extremely accurate spectral information of the CAS 140D measurements as live reference guarantees spectroradiometric test accuracy across the whole image of the camera. The resolution of 150 megapixels thereby allows (sub-)pixel level analysis of complete displays in one single shot. This measurement device is thus perfect for very fast and accurate quality control and pixel calibration of OLEDs or μLED displays in production lines. Many different test applications can be organized in a single test station, as, e.g., the evaluation of display uniformity, pixel defects, white balance, color gamut, contrast ratio or the measurement of intensity modulations. Notably, the LumiTop can be equipped with a fast photometer for flicker or luminance modulation measurements.
For mixed reality technologies (AR/VR) the LumiTop is the perfect system in R&D labs. These innovative display applications require more, i.e. smaller pixels with higher fill factors. Luminance and color variations between pixels and subpixels are likely and strongly influence the visual quality of displays. Augmented reality glasses or virtual reality head-mounted displays are close-fitting to the observer’s eye. Thus, screen-door effects and pixel non-uniformities are easily visible and disturbing to the consumer. To meet this high standard Instrument Systems GmbH developed the LumiTop series. An integrated pixel shift mechanism suppresses de-mosaicing artifacts by true full color measurements and even provides increased resolution of 600 megapixels. The product is integrated in Instrument Systems’ comprehensive new software „LumiSuite”, which comes with a user-friendly GUI for laboratory applications and a powerful software development kit allowing an easy implementation into any production line.
Among these highlights more advanced lighting technology will be demonstrated at several photometric and spectroradiometric measuring stations at Display Week booth #1528:
High-power LED and μLED Testing
Instrument Systems will show a complete light measurement setup with the high-end array spectroradiometer CAS 140D and the positioning station DTS 140. As the entire spectrum is captured simultaneously, very short measuring times can be achieved in the order of milliseconds with highest measurement accuracy. This makes the solution ideal for the characterization of low-lumen or mLEDs. Typical application areas are display production and automotive interior lighting.
VCSEL Testing
The design of the recently launched spectroradiometer CAS 120B-HR is geared to the measurement of narrow-band emission sources e.g., laser diodes (also VCSEL). An exceptionally high spectral resolution of up to 0.12 nm full width at half maximum and particularly short integration times as low as 4 ms enable fast tests in the lab and production. Time-resolved measurements of laser diodes with a pulsed operating mode in the nanosecond range are also possible in an expanded setup with a photodiode. Demo measurements and evaluations are presented at the booth.
Goniometric Display Measurement
Using our established DMS 803 display measurement system we will be giving live demonstrations of the diverse possibilities of viewing angle dependent display analysis: motorized positioning unit, temperature chamber of -40 to +105°C, measurement of the spectral reflection value under direct/diffuse hemisphere lighting, determination of the contrast of OLED and LCD displays with different types of ambient light, etc. The latest features allow a qualification of curved displays.
We invite you to discuss your special measurement tasks with our experts at our booth and also to listen to Instrument Systems’ expert lectures:
Display Metrology: Basics, Framework, and Applications
Monday, May 13 / Session 06 / 10:20 – 11:50 AM / Room LL21ABC
Speaker: Michael Becker, Instrument Systems GmbH Munich Germany
Flicker from Electronic Displays: Reconsidering the Confusion
Thursday, May 16 / Session 50.1 / 09:00 – 10:20 AM / Room LL20A
Speaker: Michael Becker, Instrument Systems GmbH Munich Germany
Co-Chair: Jürgen Neumeier, Instrument Systems GmbH, Munich, Germany
OLED vs. LC Displays – The Race toward Rec. 2020 and HDRI
Friday, May 17 / Session 83.1 / 10:40 – 11:00 AM / Room LL20A
Speaker: Michael Becker, Instrument Systems GmbH Munich Germany
More information under
Instrument Systems GmbH, founded in Munich in 1986, develops, manufactures and markets all-in-one solutions for light measurement applications. Its core products are array spectrometers and imaging colorimeters. The company’s main fields of activity are LED/SSL and display metrology, spectral radiometry and photometry, where today Instrument Systems is one of the world’s leading manufacturers. The Optronik line of products for the automotive industry and traffic technology is developed and marketed at its Berlin facility. Instrument Systems has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Konica MinoIta Group since 2012.
Instrument Systems GmbH
Kastenbauerstraße 2
81677 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 454943-0
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Marketing & PR Manager
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