With the renewed qualification as a member of the sourcing network Achilles, CONET demonstrates the high performance and quality standards of its solutions for effective and secure control center communication. In the northern European and Scandinavian markets, the Achilles Utilities Nordics & Central Europe Community forms an important link between the purchasers of utility companies and their suppliers.

The goals of the Achilles community: Strengthen quality and compliance, reduce costs and risks. As customer companies have to meet more and more regulatory requirements, providers of solutions and services are finding it more and more difficult to prove compliance with these standards. The qualification of the Achilles network provides an important orientation aid for both parties in the selection of suitable partners.

The current CONET qualification covers CONET’s communication solutions portfolio in the areas of voice processing & other speech related products, mobile radio equipment, specialist business software, telecommunication equipment associated services and call center services centered around CONET’s UC Radio Suite (UCRS).

Solutions for Control Center Communications
With specialized solutions for Control Center Communications and IP-radio integration, CONET supports major clients from the areas of defense, public security, industry, utilities and transportation. With its Unified Communications Radio Suite (UCRS), the CONET Communications GmbH provides control rooms and command centers with a comprehensive, fully integrated and powerful communication dispatch solution. CONET’s UCRS is globally in use at more than 2000 workplaces, 200 control rooms and 40 countries worldwide. Customers include German railroads Deutsche Bahn, the German and Austrian Armed Forces, highway and tunnel operators ASFINAG (Austria) and NPRA (Norway), several transmission and distribution system operators and numerous federal ministries, German police forces and fire brigades as well as rescue services like the Central Lower Austria Emergency Call.

About Achilles
As a sourcing partner and sourcing consultant, Achilles provides easy, high-quality and low-risk technology and solution sourcing for specific applications and industries through its communities. In the Utilities Nordics & Central Europe community, CONET’s UC Radio Suite is one of the qualified members of this network. www.achilles.com

Über die CONET Technologies Holding GmbH

"Success. Our passion.“ CONET has been a reliable and highly competent IT partner for SAP, Infrastructure, Communications, Software and Consulting with the focus on Cyber Security, Cloud, Mobility and Big Data since 1987. According to the latest surveys by leading German IT publication Computerwoche, CONET ranks among the best medium-sized German IT systems and consulting companies. Customers from industry and commerce, the public as well as defense and security sectors alike value CONET‘s commitment to quality and success. CONET product solutions for Critical Control Room Communications, Collaboration and Business Process Management are in use worldwide. CONET currently employs 700 business and IT specialists at ten locations throughout Germany and Austria.

Direct Link to CONET Communications GmbH:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

CONET Technologies Holding GmbH
Bundeskanzlerplatz 2
53113 Bonn
Telefon: +49 (228) 9714-0
Telefax: +49 (228) 9714-1414

Simon Vieth
Telefon: +49 (2242) 939-246
Fax: +49 (2242) 939-333
E-Mail: presse@conet.de
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