Glass laboratory bottles made of the virtually inert DURAN® borosilicate glass 3.3 are perfect for storing sensitive substances and APIs. However when working with particularly valuable or potentially hazardous media, the use of the protect safety coated DURAN® laboratory bottles is highly recommended. The polymer coating of polyurethane (PU) offers additional protection for routine laboratory work. In the event of impact damage to the bottle, the tough external coating holds the glass pieces together so that the contents are generally retained, and the clean up effort is greatly reduced. The protect coated bottles provide added safety both for the user, and for the contents. The plastic coating is highly transparent so that the contents and printed volume graduations of the bottle are clearly visible. All protect safety coated bottles are Retrace coded for fully manufacturing traceability.

DWK Life Sciences offers the protect safety coated DURAN® bottle in many variants and capacities. In addition to a clear glass version, the protect coating is also available on the amber bottles. The amber coloration protects light sensitive materials from light between 300 and 500 nm and conforms with the requirements of USP and EP (3.2.1).

The protect coating is available on the versatile GLS 80® wide-mouth bottles for easier filling and cleaning. For even greater piece of mind, the pressure and vacuum resistant DURAN® pressure plus+ bottles are also available with the protect safety coating.

A video that impressively shows the damage resistance of the protect safety coated bottle can be found here:

To show case the extensive range of DURAN® glass bottles, screw closures, and transfer connection caps, DWK has recently launched a website at

Über die DWK Life Sciences GmbH

DWK Life Sciences is a leading global manufacturer of premium laboratory and storage solutions for a wide range of scientific and technical applications.

The DWK Life Sciences offering includes over 25,000 laboratory products, manufactured at 12 sites, and marketed under the highly recognized brands DURAN®, WHEATON® and KIMBLE®. Its world-leading and trusted glass is complemented by an innovative research and life science portfolio.

Worldwide, 1,700 people are dedicated to developing and delivering superior products and services that focus on the needs of our customers in drug discovery, life science and industrial markets.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

DWK Life Sciences GmbH
Hattenbergstraße 10
55122 Mainz
Telefon: +49 (6131) 1445 4131
Telefax: +49 (6131) 1445 4016

Kathrin Steinmann
Telefon: +49 (6131) 14454325
Fax: +49 (6131) 6640-16
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