REHAU Group realigns its Automotive Division in order to prepare for future challenges.

The organizational realignment of REHAU Automotive is a long-ranging process which starts with staffing changes in the top-leadership of the Division. From September 1st, Dr Markus Distelhoff reinforces the company as Chief Executive Officer of the Automotive Executive Board (CEO AEB) and member of the Group Executive Board of REHAU Group. He will be located in Rehau. Markus Distelhoff brings to the table many years of broad experience in leading global businesses, both in building up new, innovative product and business fields as well as restructuring global business areas. In his latest position before joining REHAU he was with Continental AG.

In the course of the Automotive Executive Board realignment, the previous CEO AEB, Markus Grundmann, will be responsible for the areas of Marketing, Sales and Engineering Automotive.

Über REHAU AG + Co

The REHAU Group is a polymer specialist with annual sales of more than 3.5 billion euros. An independent and stable family-owned company. Around 20,000 employees work for the company at over 170 locations worldwide. Around 12,000 employees work for REHAU throughout Europe. REHAU manufactures solutions for the construction, automotive and industrial sectors. For over 70 years, REHAU has been working to make plastic products even lighter, more comfortable, safer and more efficient and supplies countries all over the world with innovative products.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Helmut-Wagner-Str. 1
95111 Rehau
Telefon: +49 (9283) 77-0
Telefax: +49 (9283) 77-7756

Claudia Tümmler
Public Relations / Internal Communications
Telefon: +49 (9283) 77-1094
Fax: +49 (9283) 77511004
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