How do we achieve transparency in the supply chain? And is “new work” just old wine in new skins? These are only two in a broad spectrum of questions that leading supply chain and operations experts, together with some 250 attendees, will discuss at the 7th International EXCHAiNGE 2019 supply chain summit—November 26 and 27 at the Hypermotion trade show at Messe Frankfurt. EXCHAiNGE is an established networking platform that uses interactive formats to link new trends with strategic core functions of the supply chain. The four sessions highlight such mission-critical factors as technology, innovation, collaboration, mobility, sustainability, culture, and mindsets. “There is an urgent need to implement a smart program addressing the full package of people, processes, and mindsets—and to do so as quickly and rigorously as possible. EXCHAiNGE provides clear answers and real-world examples in the digital age,” emphasizes Dr. Petra Seebauer, Managing Director of EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH and an initiator of EXCHAiNGE.

  • New Work—Culture & Mindsets (November 27, 2019): What today’s modern executives can achieve

This session offers a plan of action and highlights products, services, and solutions that can save time and money and generate competitive advantages for everyone involved. Old wine in new skins? “New work does not need to be entirely new. We’ve finally come to realize that people want a relationship of trust and openness with their managers,” notes EXCHAINGE speaker Kerstin Gliniorz (Director of Supply Chain Strategy EMEAI at ADM Europe GmbH & Co. KG). The core requirement for genuine success is professional programs “that everyone really does take part in,” Gliniorz adds, emphasizing the importance of not allowing managers to sit on the sidelines or convince themselves that the climate is already fine. “Companies that hesitate or resist tackling change are unattractive to good applicants. Money alone is not enough to retain top talent over time. The process of building trust is a never-ending story,” Gliniorz concludes.

Moderator: Bettina Bohlmann (Managing Partner, 3p Procurement Branding GmbH)

Speakers: Stefan Hentschel (Google Germany GmbH, Industry Leader, Technology & B2B); Michael Rendsburg (J.M. Voith SE & Co. KG, Group Division Paper, Chief Operating Officer FRS); Bernd Schmid (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Program Manager, Sustainable Change); Kerstin Gliniorz (ADM Europe GmbH & Co. KG, Director, Supply Chain Strategy EMEAI)

  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management (November 27, 2019): Shifting responsibility for a new first and last mile?

This session cites various real-world approaches and integrated solutions for confronting such challenges as climate change, CSR, and compliance as well as supply chain interdependencies linked to economic factors. “Even among the pioneers, only a fraction of companies have complete transparency in their procurement supply chain. If you only know your direct suppliers, you’re not practicing effective risk management,” warns EXCHAiNGE speaker Klaus Wiesen (CEO of sustainabill GmbH). He cites the urgent need for state-of-the-art IT solutions that push collaboration among companies, their immediate suppliers, and other upstream providers—such as a cloud platform that can achieve multi-tier visibility in just a few steps.

Moderator: Klaus Krumme (ZLV Center for Logistics and Traffic at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Executive Director)

Speakers: Michael Dunker (Evonik Technology & Infrastructure GmbH, Manager of Strategy & Organizational Development, Strategy & Performance); Dr. Katrin Dziekan (German Federal Environment Agency, Head of Environment and Transport); Klaus Wiesen (sustainabill GmbH, CEO)

Other sessions

  • Ecosystems & Networks in the Supply Chainers Community (November 26, 2019): What makes collaborations stable and successful?
  • Technology & Innovation in the Supply Chain (November 27, 2019): Blockchain vs. genuine solutions: clearing a path through the buzzword jungle

Also on the agenda at EXCHAiNGE

  • Interactive Supply Chain Roundtables (November 26/27/28, 2019 at Hypermotion): Sustainable business practices and customer expectations; Good risk management in a volatile world; Optimized logistics footprint and customer satisfaction Participants make various tactical and strategic supply chain decisions on behalf of “The Fresh Connection,” a virtual fruit juice company.
  • Supply Chain Best Practices of Award Finalists (November 26, 2019): Movers and shakers offer a behind-the-scenes look
  • EXCHAiNGE Award Night (November 27, 2019): Presentation of Supply Chain Awards 2019

The supply chain summit takes place as part of the Hypermotion trade show (organized by Messe Frankfurt), which draws some 5,000 attendees. Those attending EXCHAiNGE also have the opportunity to visit the Hypermotion exhibit space with its multiformat focus on the digital transformation of transport and mobility: November 26–28, 2019.

Save the date:
7th international EXCHAiNGE supply chain summit
with sessions, interactive supply chain roundtables, final round of awards competition, and Award Night ceremony
November 26–27, 2019 | at Hypermotion in Frankfurt am Main
Learn more:


EXCHAiNGE is an annual international supply chain summit that brings together decision makers and thought leaders from the worlds of SCM, finance, logistics, and purchasing. Innovation officers, business developers, and supply chain operations managers from businesses of all sizes come to discuss the strategic issues facing managers today, including new approaches and business models and the challenges of integration amid digital transformation.

EXCHAiNGE provides a roadmap for navigating such key issues of digital transformation as sustainability, culture and mindsets, innovation, collaboration, mobility, technology, blockchain, big data, and artificial intelligence. Finalists competing for the Supply Chain Awards offer profound insights into pre-eminent examples of best practice.

Visitors get valuable tips on repositioning their businesses to become drivers of innovation with the goal of generating a critical competitive advantage. EXCHAiNGE stands as an established networking platform where attendees can share in the personal experience of industry leaders, experience illuminating roundtables on forward-looking strategies, be actively engaged, and reflect on new ideas and trends in the supply chain.

The supply chain summit is organized by EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH in Munich.


Hypermotion—Pioneering Mobility & Logistics | November 26–28, 2019 | Frankfurt am Main

Hypermotion offers a platform for forward-looking issues with a focus on smart systems and solutions for mobility, transport, logistics, and digital infrastructure and features an innovative program mix for the mobility and logistics industries. Taking place for the third time this year, the event brings together the users and providers who are defining new standards for the mobility of tomorrow. The overarching objective is to provide a networking platform that transcends various modes of transport and systems and finds interfaces between mobility and logistics. Hypermotion zeroes in on the following core questions: How will digitization and decarbonization transform transportation systems? How can we find unique, intermodal solutions for logistics and mobility chains in smart and digital regions?

The agenda blends seven interrelated topics: smart & digital regions, data analytics & security, digital & urban logistics, hypermodality (intermodal, multinational, digital), sustainability, monitoring & transparency, and connectivity. The event includes businesses of all sizes—from startups to large enterprises—together with researchers, policymakers, and representatives of professional associations. Hypermotion’s program mix of expo, conferences, pitches, workshops, and talks offers numerous opportunities to engage and network with seasoned experts from established enterprises and future innovators from the startup scene. The EXCHAiNGE conference is once again offered both as a part of Hypermotion 2019 and as a standalone event.

Learn more about Hypermotion

Über EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH

EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH, founded in 1996 and headquartered in Munich, organizes LogiMAT ("the International Trade Show for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management") and TradeWorld ("the Professional Platform for Trade Processes"), held each year in Stuttgart, Germany. EUROEXPO has also partnered with Landesmesse Stuttgart since 2014 to present the annual LogiMAT China, first in Nanjing and since 2019 in Shanghai.

EUROEXPO also organizes "EXCHAiNGE-the Supply Chainers Community." The supply chain summit, now in its seventh year, targets leaders from the areas of SCM, finance, logistics, and purchasing at companies ranging in size from startups to global enterprises. EUROEXPO is also a service provider offering B2C and B2B event management services, such as the organization and implementation of the LOGISTIK HEUTE series.

For more information, please visit

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EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 7
80807 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 32391-259
Telefax: +49 (89) 32391-246

Xenia Kleinert
Leitung Marketing
Telefon: +49 (89) 32391-249
Fax: +49 (89) 32391-246
Hendrikje Rother
Telefon: +49 (89) 32391-240
Fax: +49 (89) 32391-246
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