Scope, the quality forwarding software made in Germany, is widely acknowledged to be the Digital Standard for digital logistics, enabling unrestricted global collaboration, serving more than 450 customers worldwide with over 5,000 users in 41 countries.
“With excellent connections in Asia, punctuated by our branch in Hong Kong, which was established in 1996, and is managed by Hong Kong born and raised director Patrick Ling, we have a good understanding of the market, but most of all of the demand of Asian customers. This is why next to efficiency driven by technology, individual happiness is a kind of ‘built-in’ feature in Scope. At this year’s GLN Conference we will prove this once again”, said Johannes Riege, founder and shareholder of Riege Software.
Developed with focus on Forwarding and Compliance, Scope brings enterprise class abilities to every freight forwarder, from the smallest to the largest. Designed as a “One system. One Record.” solution, Scope makes things easier, faster and therefore more efficient, boosting global supply chain productivity, no matter how many shipments to handle.
“Scope is cloud-based and boundlessly scalable. This enables small companies to work at the same standard and level as the big ones, while it allows huge companies to cover their operations without technical limits. With a native support team based in Hong Kong, customers don’t have to worry about anything, team members speak all expected languages, mother tongue Chinese, English and Forwarding”, said Andreas Rohde, International Business Development Manager at Riege Software.
Those who wish to encounter the people who provide the Digital Standard in logistics may take their chance at the 17th GLN Conference in Bangkok, October 20–23, 2019. Riege Founder Johannes Riege and International Business Development Manager Andreas Rohde will be pleased to welcome interested parties.
Riege Software ist einer der führenden Anbieter cloud-basierter Softwarelösungen für die Logistik-Industrie. Gegründet 1985, zählt das inhabergeführte Unternehmen über 450 Kunden mit über 5.000 Anwendern in 41 Ländern. Neben dem Stammsitz in Deutschland unterhält Riege 6 Niederlassungen in Europa, Asien und Nordamerika.
Die Marke von Riege ist Scope, der digitale Standard für Luftfracht, Seefracht und Zoll, der sämtliche Prozesse und Verfahren in der Logistik beschleunigt. Erweitert durch die Webanwendung Connect und durch Integration von ERP/WMS von Drittanbietern ermöglicht Scope die systemübergreifende Zusammenarbeit der Beteiligten in der globalen Lieferkette. Mit Fokus auf Qualitätsverbesserung und Produktivitätssteigerung, Kostenreduzierung und Ertragsoptimierung, Kundenbindung und Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit.
Riege Software International GmbH
Mollsfeld 10
40670 Meerbusch
Telefon: +49 (2159) 9148-0
Telefax: +49 (2159) 9148-11
Riege Software International GmbH
Telefon: +49 (2159) 9148-0
Fax: +49 (2159) 9148-11