Autonomous driving is the future of automotive industry however many questions should be answered before this becomes true. How to properly apply deep learning models to LiDAR and other sensor technologies? Where to find enough data to train the algorithms and how to verify and validate them? What regulations will make autonomous driving safe? How to develop the right strategy for each level of autonomy?
With the agenda focused on deep learning and sensor fusion, this conference aims to enhance safety of autonomous vehicles. Automotive professionals will come together to discuss their experience and the main challenges in the field of sensor fusion and deep learning. Among many others, the event will address the following topics:
- Strategies for bringing together sensor development and deep learning models applicable to both LIDAR and other sensor technologies
- Conceptualizing reliable neural networks
- Algorithms applicable for different automation levels and what possibilities one can get
- Network capabilities for test and validation processing when it comes to big data
- Software cycle for validation of computer vision algorithms and other important topics shaping autonomous driving right now!
Participate in interactive workshops and round tables with leading industry experts to discuss Machine Learning Approaches for Validating Parking Spaces, Sensor Fusion into Level 4 and 5 for Autonomous Driving, AI Personal Assistant in Automotive Industry and other topics shaping the Automotive industry right now.
This expert forum will bring together major players active in the automotive industry including Volvo, Valeo, MBition GmbH – Mercedes Benz Innovation Lab, Amazon, Deutsche Telekom and more.
Co-located with the Corrosion and Coating Technologies Conference
For more information and details concerning speakers and presentations visit:
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