5G is intended to enable a comprehensive mobile communications structure for the highly interconnected applications of the internet of things. However, Germany still has many “white spots” where it is necessary to step up broadband expansion. Dr. Annette Schumann from the Federal Broadband Office explained how the government intends to achieve this and what funding opportunities are available.
Industry 4.0 for companies is what Smart City is for the municipal sector. Volker Lange from Raycap GmbH addressed in his lecture how small towns and rural communities can also benefit from 5G – and how the necessary antennas can be unobtrusively integrated into the cityscape.
Of course, the fiber optics industry is not the only sector dealing with the issue of 5G expansion. Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG is the IT service provider of the German Savings Banks Association (Deutscher Sparkassenverbund) and is responsible for an IT system that manages around 45 million online accounts. In his presentation, André Hasemann demonstrated the contribution that structured cabling makes to secure and efficient communication in data centers.
Network performance and diagnostics were the focus of Armin Kumpf’s (LASER COMPONENTS) presentation. Among other things, he informed participants about how network monitoring and forensics can be implemented at the protocol level.
“In our third year of hosting this symposium, we can finally say that it has established itself in the industry,” says host Dr. Andreas Hornsteiner with satisfaction. “The tight program of lectures and the exclusive circle of participants ensure a concentrated working atmosphere, which also leaves room for intensive exchange and discussion.”
Trade Shows
4. Breitbandforum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, November 04, 2019, Rostock, Germany, Stand B12 AnalytiX-2019 Europe, November 13 – 15, 2019, Berlin, Germany
LASER COMPONENTS specializes in the development, manufacture, and sale of components and services in the laser and optoelectronics industry. At LASER COMPONENTS, we have been serving customers since 1982 with sales branches in five different countries. We have been producing in house since 1986 with production facilities in Germany, Canada, and the United States. In-house production makes up approximately half of our sales revenue. A family-run business, we have more than 230 employees worldwide.
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