In such difficult times, banks also struggle with the fact that both employees and customers expect more and more flexibility, dynamism and individuality. With regard to current and future employees, this means that a strong employer brand will be of existential importance. For some years now it has been noticeable that the people you so urgently need in your workforce are no longer standing in line. An intelligent and credible employer branding is more important than ever and will demand considerable efforts from the banks.
Promising new ways can be found in the "New Work" method kit. Magic words such as agility, self-organisation, sense orientation, resilience, culture of responsibility, etc. promise a way out of the jungle of complexity and ambiguity, but here too many banks are breaking new ground. Is now the right time to practice new methods?
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noventum consulting GmbH is an internationally active IT management consultancy.
Founded in 1996 in Münster, noventum is now represented by over 100 employees in Münster and Düsseldorf. An independent noventum partner company operates in Luxembourg.
Managing partner is Uwe Rotermund.
noventum consulting supports its customers in their IT challenges and in their efforts for a modern company culture.
The company’s customers are predominantly DAX corporations as well as medium-sized companies and organisations with large IT infrastructures.
noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster
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