ParticleScout, WITec’s advanced tool for microparticle analysis, has been recognized by The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards (TASIAs) as one of the most inventive scientific products of 2019. This distinction has been bestowed at a time when microparticles generally, and microplastics more specifically, are receiving widespread attention in media.

The Analytical Scientist is a print and online journal that covers the latest developments in measurement science. The goal of the TASIAs, which are determined by a panel of experts, is “To highlight the latest and greatest technology, instrumentation and software making waves throughout the analytical science community.”

ParticleScout is a powerful software component available for the alpha300 Raman microscope series that enables researchers to find, classify, quantify and identify particles with unprecedented speed and ease of use. It provides a greatly accelerated workflow while making full use of confocal Raman microscopy’s capabilities for label-free and nondestructive chemical characterization. ParticleScout delivers thorough and detailed insight to the researcher in microplastics research, environmental science, pharmaceutical research, geology, food science and many other fields.

“We’re thrilled that ParticleScout has received an Innovation Award from The Analytical Scientist,” says Joachim Koenen, co-founder and managing director of WITec. “The TASIAs acknowledge original, useful technologies that reflect research at this very moment, and there are few current topics in science that concern the public as much as microparticles.”  

This is the second time that WITec has been among the winners of the award, having been previously honored for RISE (Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron) Microscopy.

Über die WITec GmbH

WITec GmbH pioneered 3D Raman imaging and correlative microscopy and continues to lead the industry with a product portfolio that offers speed, sensitivity and resolution without compromise. Raman, AFM and SNOM microscopes, combinations thereof, and WITec-developed Raman-SEM (RISE) systems can be configured for specific challenges in chemical and structural characterization through a modular hardware and software architecture with built-in capacity for expansion. Research, development and production are located at WITec headquarters in Ulm, Germany, and the WITec sales and support network has an established presence in every global region.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

WITec GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Str. 6
89081 Ulm
Telefon: +49 (731) 14070-0
Telefax: +49 (731) 14070-200

Harald Fischer
Marketing Director
Telefon: +49 (731) 14070-0
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