The OS2 offers an industry-leading combination of range, resolution, price, performance, reliability, size, weight, and power. It is designed for indoor/outdoor all-weather environments. As the smallest and lightest long-range highresolution lidar on the market, the OS2 can be directly integrated into vehicles, robots, and drones.
- 200+ meter range
See farther with the long-range OS2 lidar sensor. Fit for highway-speed autonomy and high-altitude drones.
- High resolution
With 128 vertical beams, Ouster lidar sensors offer the highest resolution available for superior object identification.
- Rugged and reliable
Ouster lidar sensors are designed for 100,000 hours of continuous use. Water-proof, robust to shock and vibration, and temperature rated from -20º C to +50º C.
Additional features of the OS2
1. PTP and NMEA/PPS time synchronization options
2. On-the-fly programming of frame rate and horizontal resolution
3. Fixed angle data measurement
4. Multi-sensor crosstalk resistance
5. Industry-leading intrinsic calibration; no recalibration needed
6. Pluggable space-style bayonet connector
7. Over-the-network firmware updates
Produktentwicklung, Lasertechnik, Sondermaschinenbau, RTK GNSS- Empfänger, LIDAR, Autopiloten, Laserschneiden, 3D-Fräsen, 3D-Drucken, Prototypenbau.
General Laser
Wallgasse 25/8
A1060 Wien
Telefon: +43 (1) 52476-03
Head of CRM & LiDAR Consultant
Telefon: 015247603
Telefon: 015247603