Long-standing partner of the CQC
The seminar focused on changes in the Chinese certification system CCC for the automotive sector. As a result, certain certifications are no longer mandatory, while the manufacturers must carry others out in their Chinese domestic subsidiaries themselves. Here, TÜV Rheinland with its experience can provide valuable support in the application process, but also monitor the conformity of processes and products as a neutral service provider.
TÜV Rheinland is a long-standing partner of CQC in the area of CCC approvals and inspections in the automotive industry. On behalf of the CQC, TÜV Rheinland audits around 350 production facilities across Europe each year as part of the Chinese CCC certification system and manages around 250 CCC certification projects for automotive suppliers throughout Europe each year.
Market access in China increasingly important
With its global network, TÜV Rheinland’s experts for vehicle type approvals are present in the most important automotive markets. Just a few weeks ago, for example, TÜV Rheinland carried out type approval for the European market for the first electric vehicle from a Chinese manufacturer. Conversely, the Chinese automotive market, as the largest market in the world, is playing an increasingly important role for the European automotive industry, and expert knowledge for certification and market access is in corresponding demand. TÜV Rheinland has been active in China since 1986. After Germany, China is the second largest region for the company, with around 4,100 employees at 25 locations.
TÜV Rheinland is a global leader in independent inspection services, founded nearly 150 years ago. The group maintains a worldwide presence of more than 20,000 people; annual turnover is EUR 2 billion. The independent experts stand for quality and safety for people, technology and the environment in nearly all aspects of life. TÜV Rheinland inspects technical equipment, products and services, oversees projects, and helps to shape processes and information security for companies. Its experts train people in a wide range of careers and industries. To this end, TÜV Rheinland employs a global network of approved labs, testing and education centers. Since 2006, TÜV Rheinland has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact to promote sustainability and combat corruption. Website: www.tuv.com
TÜV Rheinland
Am Grauen Stein
51105 Köln
Telefon: +49 (221) 806-2148
Pressesprecher Mobilität
Telefon: +49 (221) 806-2290
E-Mail: wolfgang.partz@de.tuv.com