Jorge Pons Vorberg is the new Managing Director-CEO for the Time & Security Division of the AZKOYEN Group. Under his role he is fully accountable for the business of primion Technology GmbH and OPERTIS in Germany, GET in Belgium and the Netherlands, DIGITEK in Spain as well as primion S.A.S in France, which all combined forms the AZKOYEN Time & Security Division.

Jorge Pons Vorberg has been Managing Director-CFO at the Time & Security Division for the past six years and had already led the business of the Managing Director-CEO on an interim basis since September. On behalf of the Azkoyen Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of primion, the Group’s Managing Director, Eduardo Unzu informed: "As per our unanimous opinion, Jorge Pons Vorberg is the best candidate to make Time & Security Division an even more successful business. Furthermore, we are convinced that his high level of personal commitment and vision for the company will enable him to drive forward the strategies currently focused on delivering organic growth and managing the significant investments already approved.”

Jorge Pons Vorberg himself expressed during an internal announcement to the employees the following: "I am proud and happy to be given this opportunity and will stand behind the company and its employees 100%. All together we want to focus on our goals and face the challenges: For our customers, we automate employee management and security processes, thereby increasing their efficiency and agility; for our shareholders, we achieve long-term profitability; and for all our employees, we create a dynamic, challenging and rewarding environment. In this way we can continue to grow, gain new market share and secure the future of the company".

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

primion Technology GmbH
Steinbeisstraße 2 – 5
72510 Stetten
Telefon: +49 7573 952-0
Telefax: +49 7573 92034

Susanne Christmann
Head of Group Marketing
Telefon: +49 (7573) 952-546
Fax: +49 (7573) 920-34
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