The pollution of the oceans by plastic is one of the biggest problems of our time. Every year, an estimated 200 million tons of garbage end up in the sea, 6.4 million tons of which is plastic. The Ocean Cleanup is a non-government engineering environmental organization that develops technology to extract plastic pollution from the oceans.

In a research laboratory, marine samples are examined for the presence and types of microplastic contamination. The research helps to understand the dynamics of microplastic pollution formation and dispersal in the oceans. The researchers use DURAN® laboratory glass bottles in their work.

Other institutes around the world have also chosen DURAN® laboratory glass bottles for their research into microplastic pollution. The diverse list include, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Rostock University, the Greenpeace laboratories at the University of Exeter in England, The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), the University of Putra Malaysia and the Alzahra University in Iran.

DURAN® laboratory glass bottles are made of high-purity borosilicate glass 3.3. DURAN® glass is highly transparent, has an excellent chemical resistance, a high service temperature, minimal thermal expansion and, as a result, high thermal shock resistance. It is virtually inert with a minimal interact with other substances. These properties enable reliable and reproducable results.

"We are proud that world renowned companies, research institutes and environmental organisations, such as The Ocean Cleanup, use our DURAN® bottles. We hope that our laboratory containers will contribute to supporting the work of the scientists in the best possible way," commented Alistair Rees, Senior Product Manager at DWK Life Sciences. 

Über die DWK Life Sciences GmbH

In June 2017 the companies DURAN Group, Wheaton Industries and Kimble Chase merged to form a new global company – DWK Life Sciences. DWK Life Sciences combines the expertise of the acclaimed product brands DURAN®, WHEATON® and KIMBLE®. As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of premium lab glass, DWK Life Sciences offers its customers a complete range of high-quality laboratory glassware – from the classic disposables to reusable precision glassware. Additionally, DWK Life Sciences develops and produces a wide range of plastic labware and specialty products for life science applications as well as packaging and storage solutions for the pharmaceutical industry.

The DWK Life Sciences product portfolio comprises over 30,000 products manufactured at 11 sites in Europe, North America and Asia. Globally, more than 1,700 employees work on the development and production of innovative products and services to meet the high expectations of customers in laboratories and production environments around the world – inspired by the company slogan “Excellence in your hands”.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

DWK Life Sciences GmbH
Hattenbergstraße 10
55122 Mainz
Telefon: +49 (6131) 1445 4131
Telefax: +49 (6131) 1445 4016

Kathrin Steinmann
Telefon: +49 (6131) 14454325
Fax: +49 (6131) 6640-16
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