Originally to be unveiled at the cancelled Geneva Motor Show….

HOFELE-Design the German company specialising in the BESPOKE enhancement of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars, today released images of their first Electric Vehicle based on the Mercedes-Benz EQC.

The exterior of this EQC has unique HOFELE styling enhancements, subtle in design and detail, but they elevate the standard EQC to the premium luxury class of EV’s. Finished in the very exclusive Mercedes-Benz “Alubeam” paint, often described as “Liquid Metal”, this very expensive paint finish immediately lets us know that this EV is something very special.

HOFELE was also scheduled to launch its signature range of forged alloy wheels at Geneva, here the EQC is fitted with the HOFELE “Turbine” wheels that look absolutely stunning finished in dark shadow chrome.

The HOFELE experience is most visible when it comes to the interior of this EV, nearly every surface has been enhanced, using only the highest quality leathers and Alcanratra detailed with unique perforation and stitching designs. The owner of this particular vehicle commissioned a very striking Armagnac leather that perfectly contrasts with the Alubeam exterior.

HOFELE have said that they will soon be releasing more detailed information about this BESPOKE model based on the EQC as well as the four other vehicles all based on Mercedes-Benz models that were to be unveiled at Geneva.

HOFELE shows that Electric Vehicles can be much more than standard. Some say we are moving too fast towards an electric future with governments and infrastructures a long way behind and holding back consumers conversion from petrol and diesel to cleaner motoring. Some die-hard petrolheads say that EV’s are boring and the future of the automobile looks a bit dull. TESLAR has shown us that performance wise, EV’s can be anything but dull. Now HOFELE shows that there is also a place for BESPOKE vehicle styling and design enhancements that can turn an everyday EV into a unique luxury vehicle.

If this is the future of BESBOKE Electric Vehicles, the future is looking very interesting….

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

HOF Manufaktur GmbH
Herrmann-Schwarz-Str. 11
73072 Donzdorf
Telefon: +49 (7031) 2033020
Telefax: +49 (7162) 91239-25

Stuart Whitmore
E-Mail: stuart.whitmore@hofele.com
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