ColorLogic GmbH releases ZePrA 8, an advanced, smart color server that optimizes and automates printing data – now with Proofing. The outputs from the DeviceLink and Multicolor profiles combined with the sophisticated spot color rendering can now be used for color proofs. This is especially useful as many RIPs do not entirely support CxF/X-4 or SCTV calibration, nor do they have a spectral color prediction model for spot color rendering. The proofing module’s outstanding results were confirmed with a 7 color proof at the recent FOGRA Multicolor Forum 2019. ZePrA 8 brings overall new capabilities and enhancements to the features used every day. The new Auto Setup Wizard helps you define the right proofing settings for automated and accurate conversions. Search options have greatly improved in Configurations and Queues, including the abilities to add Tags to Configurations and search for LAB values in the Spot Color Libraries. ZePrA 8 has expanded on the retaining of layers feature within Photoshop PSD and TIFF files with the option to remove SmartObjects while retaining layers, as well as adding a new SmartLink option for color conversions of equivalent profiles. Also added is the option to rasterize any PDF document even if it does not contain transparencies, and customizable opacity values in Spot Colors are just some of the many upgraded features.
"We’re excited for our customers to experience the new proofing module," states Thorsten Braun, CTO of ColorLogic states. "All the improvements and optimizations in ZePrA 8 are a great example of a collaboration of our development team and ColorLogic’s commitment to incorporating the customers‘ requests.”
New ColorLogic users will find ZePrA 8 available in five different packages to fit their specified needs. Upgrades to the latest ZePrA 8 are available with an active Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) or can be purchased at an upgrade price by contacting a ColorLogic dealer.
About ZePrA: ZePrA is a full-featured color server that optimizes PDF printing data and image files such as PSD, TIFF and JPEG via DeviceLink profiles. Create customized configurations and queues to automate day-to-day color management tasks. ZePrA’s easy-to-use interface simplifies the process of custom color conversions with SmartLink for any workflow. ZePrA produces immediate results working standalone, integrated into an existing workflow, or in conjunction with other ColorLogic solutions. More details about ZePrA can be found on….
Über die ColorLogic GmbH
About ColorLogic GmbH: As one of the world’s superior color management software providers, ColorLogic GmbH is a leader in providing technology and innovation for prepress houses, offset, gravure, packaging, digital, large-format and multicolor printers.
Utilizing industry knowledge, extensive product offerings, and advanced technological capabilities, ColorLogic GmbH develops solutions for customers worldwide.
ColorLogic’s products include ColorAnt, CoPrA and ZePrA, which provide an unparalleled range of color management technology with a high level of automation possibilities. For more information, please visit, your favorite social media channel, or on our YouTube channel for product overviews and tips.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
ColorLogic GmbH
Robberskamp 40
48432 Rheine
Telefon: +49 (5971) 401016-0
Telefax: +49 (5971) 401016-6
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