Eltos is continuously investing and modernizing itself, as was recently the case with modern Schmoll Speedmaster 5-250 multi-spindle drilling machines and other major investments are already planned for 2020, such as another Inspecta Combo MY20 X-ray drilling machine with the aim of increasing quality and reliability.

ELTOS S.p.A. Reliably produces and supplies professional printed circuit boards that are used in various areas, including for medical technology also printed circuit boards for respirators, telecommunications, automation, security, automotive industry, airspace sector, military and relevant European research institutions, especially CERN in Geneva and the Institute for Nuclear physics in Italy.

The customer portfolio of ELTOS includes OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and their suppliers of EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services). Our priority is to offer an excellent quality service and to find the best possible production solutions together with our customers. In 40 years of activity, Eltos has always excelled in investing in human and technical resources and has the know-how and skills to create the most complex designs.

ELTOS was founded in 1980 and works and produces PCB in Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Eltos SpA
Strada E
I52100 Arezzo
Telefon: +39 (0575) 94821
Telefax: +39 (0575) 959020

Renato Fontes
E-Mail: r.fontes@eltos.it
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