January 2021. Immunity is at the forefront of everyone’s mind these days. GELITA, will host a webinar on January 20, discussing the role of collagen in immune health and launch its new brand IMMUPEPTTM. The BCP® (Bioactive Collagen Peptides®) are specifically developed for advancing immune health. The webinar is hosted on NutraIngredients, NutraIngredients-USA & NutraIngredients-Asia.

Immune health is one of the fastest growing supplement categories. After vitamins and minerals led the first wave of immunity supplements, protein is now emerging as a critical nutrient. Here collagen peptides have great potential in the next generation of immunity products.

Join experts from science, nutrition and GELITA representatives in the webinar on January 20th:

The role for specific collagen peptides in immune health
Understand the latest study findings

Be among the first to discover the latest research on the role of collagen for an effective immune function. Discover the latest studies on specific collagen peptides’ contribution to an effective immune function. Explore the science and pave the way for a holistic approach to immune health.

Register here: https://bit.ly/2N3pG17

Über die GELITA AG

GELITA is the leading company for manufacturing and marketing collagen proteins. Coordinated from the headquarters in Eberbach, Germany, GELITA provides customers around the world with products of the highest standard, comprehensive technical expertise and sophisticated solutions. More than 20 sites and a global expert network ensure that state-of-the-art know-how is always available for customers. With 140 years of experience in the field of collagen proteins are the basis of GELITA’s performance. A strong requirement for innovation is the driving force of the family-owned company that is always looking for new solutions for food, pharmaceutical, health & nutrition as well as for technical applications.

Within the range of collagen proteins, GELITA supplies collagen peptides with proven body-stimulating capabilities, tailor-made gelatines and non- or partly- water soluble collagens. This holistic range of products in combination with its vast experience in developing solutions for different applications makes GELITA first choice for its customers. In today’s landscape of highest consumer demands, manufacturers of food products have to rely on natural, healthy, non-allergenic ingredients for their developments. Collagen proteins from GELITA are the perfect match for this as they fulfill all of these requirements, a particular plus being the fact that they are foodstuffs in their own right (e.g. no E-number). They also possess a set of unique technical and physiological properties.

Besides the traditional use of collagen proteins as natural stabilizers and emulsifiers for countless products, they enable manufacturers to provide their products with other properties which are becoming more and more important. GELITA has intensified its research in developing solutions for physical mobility, weight management and beauty from within.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Uferstr. 7
69412 Eberbach
Telefon: +49 (6271) 8401
Telefax: +49 (6271) 842701

Angie Rimel
Marketing Coordinator North America
Telefon: +1 402-429-2130
E-Mail: angie.rimel@gelita.com
Oliver Wolf
Head of B2B Marketing (global)
Telefon: +49 (6271) 84-2194
Fax: +49 (6271) 84-2718
E-Mail: oliver.wolf@gelita.com
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