High-quality flexoplates are no use-and-throw products. They can and should be reused. In times of shorter runs and repeating print jobs, that makes a lot of sense. And it should go without saying that the plates must be washed after every job. We know how important time-saving and efficient cleaning is.

Operating our cleaning device for flexographic printing plates is as easy as A, B, C: The used plates are placed on a conveyor belt, transported automatically through the cleaner, washed and dried and then deposited in a basket. Next, please.

SpeedyFlexPlateCleaner is equipped with  washing tank and water rinsing section completely stainless steel built, cleaning section system operated by 1 rotating brush and 1 power traverse brush, assisted by a re-circulating immersed electric-pump and a solvent spray bar. Self-adjustment rollers pressure allow the passage of clichés with different thickness. Different options for individual adjustments are possible. In the standard version, minimum plate length is 150 mm, maximum plate width is 440 mm for the small unit and 580 mm for the larger version.

Using the SpeedyFlexPlateCleaner means that your flexoplates are clean, dry and ready for reuse or storage immediately after cleaning. The device uses sophisticated foam rollers to clean plates very gently – so you don’t have to worry about the typical damage that can occur during manual plate washing. And: The manpower that was tied up in manual cleaning can now be used elsewhere.

We know that every place works differently. Which is why our machines work just as you want them to. Whether you like our standard FlexPlateCleaner with integrated heating, water rinsing system and minimum level monitor in the water and solvent tanks, or prefer the "pimped" speedyFlexPlateCleaner with additional brush unit – in any case you will have a powerful cleaning system that is tailored to your needs. All versions offer easy operation via an ON/OFF button that also shows other information, such as a cleaning cycle in progress, via the LED color.

Perfectly adapted to the cleaning unit, cleaning agents for waterbased or solvent/UV based inks  are available.

So you see, there’s no need to get worked up. Especially if you’ve got the D.W. RENZMANN SpeedyFlexPlateCleaner working for you.

Über die RENZMANN GmbH

D.W. RENZMANN GmbH develops and manufactures industrial washing machines and solvent distillation units for eco-friendly and efficient cleaning of flexographic printing plates. With more than 50 years of experience in the business, the ATEX-certified manufacturer is a competent partner for the removal of highly adhesive residues from press components and accessories. The medium-sized company located in Monzingen, in south-western Germany, also specializes in the handling of flammable solvents and aggressive cleaning agents. In addition to developing, manufacturing and marketing cleaning and distillation systems, D.W. RENZMANN GmbH offers a comprehensive range of services and advice relating to industrial cleaning processes. With an international network of more than 75 agencies and sales partners, D.W. RENZMANN Apparatebau GmbH serves its customers around the world.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Industriestraße 1
55569 Monzingen
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-0
Telefax: +49 (6751) 878-111

Heike Beenen
Marketing & Sales
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-290
Fax: +49 (6751) 8785291
E-Mail: beenen@dw-renzmann.de
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