Camera surveillance of ATMs is no secret, but for a long time the mugshots taken here were more like images from the early days of photography. Often underexposed and blurred, no one is really clearly recognisable in the pictures.
The newer ATMs are better equipped here, as camera technology in particular has undergone enormous miniaturisation and quality improvements in recent years. The cameras offer a much higher resolution and are much more light-sensitive and can therefore also be concealed under darkened screens and coverings, so that it is not immediately obvious which viewing angle you have to avoid or which area you have to cover with your hand in order not to be recognisable in the pictures.
Nevertheless, these so-called pin or pinhole cameras for these purposes are not necessarily available off the shelf and often housing parts or the firmware of the cameras have to be adapted for use in such sensitive areas of application. INCOM is happy to check the feasibility here and establish direct contact with the Asian development teams. With their project experience, the colleagues in the specialist department can also directly and reliably assess the feasibility of the solutions and clarify them with the manufacturers in the next step. For more detailed information, please contact us.
INCOM Storage GmbH
Bachstraße 32
53115 Bonn
Telefon: +49 (228) 97977-0
Telefax: +49 (228) 257077