Antiaging begins with protection. The myrto Anti-Pollution Serum is a strong skin protector from damage caused by air pollutants, UV radiation and HEV light (blue light) emitted by screens.

Urban air polluted with pollutants

Fresh forest air not only promotes subjective well-being, but also the oxygen supply of our respiratory tract and the entire organism. In this way, toxins can be broken down more quickly and you can enjoy breathing deeply. The negative effects of polluted city air on the respiratory tract are well known in contrast. Smog, fine dust and other urban microparticles also harm our skin. The dirt particles and buildups cause oxidative stress, increasing sebum production and putting a downright gray veil over the complexion. Beside UV light, air pollution is one of the main causes of wrinkles and premature skin aging. The deposition of fine dust on the skin reduces the supply of oxygen. Dirt particles, accumulated with organic substances and heavy metals, clog the pores, leading to impurities and a worsened skin structure. Furthermore, they promote irritation, redness and inflamed skin with the natural glow fading away. A weakened skin barrier allows harmful substances reaching deeper skin layers and reacting with collagen molecules. In cell metabolism, these particles promote the formation of free radicals, weakening the skin’s natural defenses and accelerating the skin aging process.

Protection against environmental skin damage

In order to avoid cell damage caused by environmental stress, it is extremely important to protect your skin in good time. The myrto Anti-Pollution Serum strengthens the skin’s protective barrier and counteracts skin damage by stimulating the skin’s repair mechanisms. Based on aloe vera juice, this serum contains a synergetic antioxidant complex with ectoin. The clinically tested, plant-based Ectoin strengthens the DNA cell protection. It is able to neutralize free radicals caused by UV light, urban pollution or screen radiation. Enriched with multimolecular hyaluronic acid and further powerful moisturizers, the myrto concentrate reduces fine lines and wrinkles. The emulsifier-free recipe with magnolia bark, stabilized vitamin C and astaxanthin offers highly effective cell protection.

The anti-pollution serum unfolds its lasting rejuvenating effect best with regular use over several weeks. You will notice reduced dermal irregularities and your skin looking more vital and firmer.


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

myrto-naturalcosmetics® Manufaktur
Königsberger Straße 43
51469 Bergisch Gladbach
Telefon: +49 (2202) 459-612
Telefax: +49 (2202) 459-629

Eva Silvana Kruck
Telefon: +49 (2202) 459612
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