Lhyfe and ENERPARC AG are enabling the sustainable, climate-friendly, and local production of green hydrogen. The cooperation is intended to show new ways of achieving climate neutrality, especially at the municipal level. The green hydrogen is to be used as early as 2023. 

Lhyfe, a European producer and supplier of green hydrogen, is building and operating an electrolyser in Luckau, Brandenburg. To produce the green hydrogen, the company is cooperating with Hamburg-based ENERPARC AG. For this purpose, ENERPARC and Lhyfe are coupling the electrolyser with a 20 MW photovoltaic plant from the solar power specialist. The electrolyser, which has an output of 5 MW, can produce up to 1,200 kg of green hydrogen a day. The climate-friendly energy carrier will be used in industrial processes and transport applications in the region. The first green hydrogen is to be produced at the end of 2023. 

The development and implementation of individual and customised solutions unites the two companies. The joint project is intended to serve industry, transport companies, filling stations and municipalities as a suitable example of how a climate-neutral and local energy supply can already be designed today. Lhyfe and ENERPARC are both seen as market leaders in their respective sectors. 

"For the competitive production of green hydrogen, a favourable electricity supply is of decisive importance. The direct supply of locally produced solar electricity for electrolysis is therefore extremely effective. This project is a very valuable partnership that further expands the philosophy of both companies: a sustainably ecological and at the same time economic transformation of the energy sector," says Armin Scherl, Team Leader Systems Engineering at ENERPARC AG. 

Whether the transformation of industry and the transport sector towards climate neutrality is successful depends to a large extent on green hydrogen. Establishing decentralised hydrogen production sites at an early stage and making them available to local customers will play a key role in supporting this transformation.  

Luc Graré, Head of International Business at Lhyfe added: "The targeted development of local hydrogen ecosystems is a decisive milestone for the climate neutrality of numerous municipalities. Climate protection begins at the local and regional level. Strategic partnerships like the one with ENERPARC are important in order to be able to precisely set up these projects across the board. We are already involved in a large number of projects in France and Denmark. Now we are also setting up a broad base in Germany."  

Only recently, the Lhyfe team ceremoniously opened the world’s first hydrogen production plant that produces green hydrogen on an industrial scale by directly coupling it to onshore wind turbines. At the Tübingen railway station, Lhyfe is involved in the H2goesRail project of Deutsche Bahn. The establishment of decentralised supply points should serve to reduce emerging import dependencies of the European Union in the long term. 

Lhyfe GmbH 

The full-service provider for green hydrogen produces and supplies the sustainable energy carrier for mobility and industry. The company’s production sites enable the regional and local establishment of hydrogen ecosystems and the customised production of green hydrogen in industrial quantities. Lhyfe has subsidiaries in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Spain and employs about 100 people. The company is a member of France Hydrogène and Hydrogen Europe. Lhyfe has raised €70 million in funding between 2019 and 2021 and inaugurated its first industrial green hydrogen production facility in September 2021.  www.lhyfe.com    

Über die Enerparc AG

Headquartered in Hamburg, ENERPARC is a leading utility-scale photovoltaic company that covers the entire value chain. The services range from development over design, procurement and construction to operations and maintenance as well as asset management and energy trading. Founded in 2008, ENERPARC has become a global player with 300+ experienced employees and licensed partners in Spain, France, India, and Australia. ENERPARC has successfully commissioned projects with an overall capacity of 3,470 MW and is operating 2,400 MW. www.enerparc.de

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Enerparc AG
Zirkusweg 2 / Astra Tower
20359 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 7566449-0
Telefax: +49 (40) 7566449-65

Jan Wehrhold
Telefon: +49 30609819504
E-Mail: wehrhold@dwr-eco.com
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