India is an important market for the KARL MAYER Group. In order to be able to support its customers in this traditional textile country even better, the innovative world market leader has reorganized its support capacities in 2021. Specifically, service and spare parts support for customers in the warp knitting and technical textiles sectors was transferred from Ahmedabad to the STOLL site in Noida. The move to the south-eastern suburbs of Delhi took place in March 2021, and the Indian subsidiary, now operating under the new name KARL MAYER STOLL India Private Limited, began operations as early as April 1. The merger of the Group’s warp knitting and flat knitting activities has resulted in a wide range of synergies in the service, care solutions and academy sectors, with benefits for the customers. In the warp preparation market for weaving, KARL MAYER Textile Machinery India Private Limited, based in Ahmedabad, continues to offer the best support.

Network of service stations with Noida as center

KARL MAYER STOLL India combines the know-how and experience of almost 70 service specialists, who are active from different offices in all the important industry centres. The decentralized structure under one roof enables the best support. “Our teams of resident engineers and with placement close to our customers mainly provide our clients with technical support such as installations, condition checks, troubleshooting and overhaul of machines. Annual maintenance is also taken care of by contract. We in Noida support the service specialists on site with know-how and with administration,” says Anurag Sidh, who is the Service Operations Manager at KARL MAYER STOLL India for the warp knitting and technical textiles sectors. STOLL’s business is concentrated in the industrial metropolises of Noida, Ludhiana, Mumbai and Tirupur. The customers in the warp knitting sector are mainly located in Surat. Around 90 % of the tricot machines sold in the new machine business go to this city of 4.5 million inhabitants in the southeast of the Indian state of Gujarat, which is reason enough for KARL MAYER to open another service branch here. Also from April 2021, the new office will offer customers spare parts with short delivery times, from its own warehouse, and training from its Academy. In addition, the experts will be on hand to offer suggestions for new designs and fabric analyses. In addition to Surat, there are several investment cluster regions, such as the cities of Silvassa and Karur. Customers in the warp knitting and technical textiles sectors are very satisfied with the new service set-up. “Already 35 customers have signed our Annual Maintenance Contracts. This number speaks for itself,” is the assessment of Anurag Sidh.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG
Industriestraße 1
63179 Obertshausen
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-0
Telefax: +49 (6104) 402-600

Ulrike Schlenker
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-274
Fax: +49 (6104) 40273274
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