KARL MAYER has placed its first LINK-MATIC® system on the market. The sophisticated automation solution considerably simplifies the batch change on indigo and sizing machines, thus increasing productivity. An increase of up to 30 % is possible, depending on the number of batch changes per day.

In addition, less yarn waste is produced. Up to 600 m, on indigo dyeing range, of unusable yarn material can be saved with each batch – while at the same time requiring less manpower. During batch changes, only one operator is required to prepare the warper beams for entry into the machine. A fully automatic knotting unit couples the warp yarns of the new batch to the yarns of the batch just finished.

Lotustex Textile has recognized all these advantages for itself. The Egypt-based denim manufacturer, which was only founded in 2019, was the first company to invest in the innovative LINK-MATIC® system in recent months in order to optimize the performance of its PRODYE®-S sizing machine. Especially for its activities in the fashion sector, Lotustex Textile expects a significantly higher flexibility and cost reduction. The delivery date for the new acquisition is November 2022.

Continuous processes with LINK-MATIC®

LINK-MATIC® makes it possible to automate the batch change on the PRODYE®-S and PROSIZE® with two subsystems. The first subsystem focuses on feeding the yarn sheets of the new batch from the warper beams to the infeed of the machine. The yarn material is guided to its destination in the lower section of the warper beam frame. Previously, it had to be threaded by hand, usually by two skilled workers, under the bottom cover. The lengthy, complicated process resulted in a batch of waste and numerous sources of error.

With the new solution, only one operator fixes the warp yarns of a warper beam in homogeneous distribution by a clamp in beam length. He then guides the clamp downward and hooks it into a transport chain on each side. The circulating chains take care of the transport to the machine. The time savings are immense. What’s more, the quality is right. The yarns are guided to the machine with uniform, constant tension. Here, the second dividing system cuts the warp yarns of the finished batch at the infeed and knots on the warp yarns of the new batch – each with high precision and fully automatically. The actual batch change can thus be reduced to 90 seconds. What appears to be so simple is the result of the precise interaction of well thought-out components such as the clamping device for string formation before knotting and the pneumatic solution for sucking in the yarn ends.

The new LINK-MATIC® system can develop its full potential in conjunction with an moveable creel.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG
Industriestraße 1
63179 Obertshausen
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-0
Telefax: +49 (6104) 402-600

Ulrike Schlenker
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-274
Fax: +49 (6104) 40273274
E-Mail: ulrike.schlenker@karlmayer.com
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