
  • Platinum status is achieved by only one per cent of all chemical companies
  • Carbon Management Level awarded „Advanced“

EcoVadis, the world’s largest provider of sustainability rankings, awarded ECKART the platinum status in the annual evaluation. Only one percent of all chemical companies evaluated by EcoVadis achieve this level. “The result makes us very proud”, says CEO Dr. Christian Przybyla. “It rewards our work to date in the area of sustainability and motivates us to achieve our goals in view of the many opportunities and challenges that lie ahead of us.”

In the periodic assessment EcoVadis examines the measures by which companies reduce their environmental effects and strengthen their sustainable supply chains. The rating agency also analyzes the efforts regarding labor and human rights. This year, ECKART’s newly introduced Carbon Management Level was on the agenda for the first time. Here, we achieved the rating “Advanced” straightaway. In all, score results added up to 79 out of 100 points.

The new classification distinguishes ECKART as a company that adheres to the UN sustainability goals. Moreover, it shows that ECKART is prepared to have its efforts verified by audited external third parties.

Über die ECKART GmbH

The ECKART Group, a company of ALTANA AG, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of effect pigments. With 1,750 employees worldwide, the group develops, produces and distributes metallic effect and pearlescent pigments in powder, paste and pellet form as well as concentrates, dispersions and printing inks.

ECKART products are used in the coatings and printing industries, the plastics and autoclaved aerated concrete industries as well as in cosmetic products.

In the future, ECKART will also drive the optimisation and development of metal powders for 3D printing, thus opening up new areas of application. ECKART is present in over 70 countries.


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Güntersthal 4
91235 Hartenstein
Telefon: +49 (9152) 77-0
Telefax: +49 (9152) 77-7008

Verena Lederer
Manager Marketing Communications
Telefon: +49 (9152) 77-4026
Fax: +49 (9152) 77-4022
E-Mail: verena.lederer@altana.com
Susanne Scheler
Telefon: +49 (9152) 7740-20
Fax: +49 (9152) 7740-22
E-Mail: susanne.scheler@altana.com
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