DXI is the name of the new company for the utilisation of a data hub, which for the first time connects all players in combined transport in terms of data technology. The shareholders are the combined transport operators Hupac and Kombiverkehr, the transport companies Hoyer and Paneuropa, the railway undertaking Lokomotion as well as Kombiterminal Ludwigshafen.

The company, founded at the end of June 2022, emerged from the research project "Digitalisation of intermodal supply chains – KV4.0", which created a cross-system data platform for combined transport in the period 2017-2021. DXI GmbH is now aiming to further develop the system and enable all players in the intermodal transport chain to access the data hub. The managing directors are Christoph Büchner, Head of IT at Kombiverkehr, and Aldo Puglisi, Head of Digitalisation at Hupac.

Future customers include transport companies and intermodal operators, terminals and railway undertakings. "With the help of the DXI hub, transport operators can exchange all data of their intermodal units between the combined transport operators and their own system, including railway undertakings and terminal data," explains Aldo Puglisi. The system is based on the #EDIGES data exchange standard and allows access to timetables, bookings, terminal status and train journeys as well as pre- and post-carriage on the road. The data exchange is real-time and barrier-free, but always within an authorised distribution circle.

The one-time technical connection to the data hub enables the exchange of data with the participating intermodal companies. For example, timetable data, tracking data or bookings from one’s own IT application will be made visible to other participants in future. "An open-data approach that brings benefits for all the players involved," says Christoph Büchner. Timely knowledge of the expected volume of consignments improves the planning of terminal slots. Railway undertakings can schedule locomotives and drivers more flexibly if they know about delays. Truck movements to and from the terminals can be optimised by providing information ahead of time. "Ultimately, data transparency leads to higher reliability and productivity and thus also to higher customer satisfaction," say the DXI directors.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Hupac Intermodal SA
Viale R. Manzoni 6
CH6830 Chiasso
Telefon: +41 (58) 8558800

Christoph Büchner
Telefon: +49 (69) 79505-144
E-Mail: cbuechner@kombiverkehr.de
Aldo Puglisi
Telefon: +41 (58) 8558091
E-Mail: apuglisi@dx-intermodal.com
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