The company CUPEX, which specializes in reclosable to-go lids, is expanding its range and starting series production of the CUPEX® reusable lid COMFORT. With a raised lid profile ("dome") and a large, oval drinking opening, it is particularly suitable for coffee specialties with creamy milk foam. The lid can be placed on the cup with one hand and then opened and closed again with a simple sliding movement.

With usual to-go lids, the narrow drinking slit prevents coffee aromas from escaping when drinking, with a reduced taste sensation as a result. On the other hand, drinks can easily leak through this small opening. In addition, non-reusable single-use plastic is often used as the lid material.

For coffee on the go – on foot, on the train or in the car – the CUPEX® reusable lid COMFORT is the long-lasting, sustainable alternative. It fits all cups with a standard diameter of 90 mm and weighs only 13 g. The smart design with three easy-to-connect individual parts made of dimensionally stable polypropylene ensures easy cleaning by hand or in the dishwasher.

The tasteless and odorless material used is 100% free of toxic BPA, acrylonitrile or other plastics. The lid is easily recyclable if it is disposed of properly, e.g. via the Dual System in Germany.

With this combination of excellent drinking properties, spill-proof closure, easy handling and guaranteed sustainability in one product, CUPEX claims to be breaking new ground. The company has patented the self-developed technology called "Easy Slide Lid".

Über die CUPEX GmbH

CUPEX® – the better lid for cups – is a startup from Bautzen/Germany founded in 2021. The company has dedicated itself to the topic of spill-proof, reclosable coffee-to-go lids with a wide, oval drinking opening.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Humboldtstraße 25
02625 Bautzen
Telefon: +49 (171) 6107207

Eckart Backofen
Telefon: +49 (173) 3256400
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