Optimate GmbH presents its App of the same name at the EuroBLECH in a new design and with extended functionalities. For the first time, the new version of the Optimate App will be introduced to a broad professional audience in Hanover. At booth B70 / B94 in Hall 11 (at TRUMPF), visitors will have the opportunity to experience its many benefits for themselves.

Optimate will be playing a decisive role in the digitalization process relating to Industry 4.0 in the future. In addition to feasibility analysis, the digital features of the cloud-based Optimate App for sheet metal processing also feature powerful, AI-based potential recognition – and optionally offer automated part optimization with integrated redesign. “If all you need is the feasibility analysis to detect and eliminate design warnings, our basic package is entirely sufficient,” says Optimate CEO Jonas Steiling, who understands this issue from in-depth practical experience. Following the design warning analysis, the designer can improve the bending part to such an extent that it can also be finished on the bending machines. The potential for the bending part is already displayed and described to the user in the App. The potential recognition shows whether a part can be optimized and, if so, to what degree: optimizable or highly optimizable. Here, the user can decide whether they want to exploit this potential. In the future, one click will take them to the App upgrade with integrated and automated part optimization. “In the case of highly optimizable sheet metal parts with a potential cost saving of up to 40 percent, it may be worth taking a closer look and thinking about an upgrade,” explains Jonas Steiling. “Depending on the batch size, it may be possible to benefit from huge cost savings, for example by reducing material or even eliminating entire work steps.”

To make it easier for users to get started, the App has been made even more user-friendly. It can now be accessed via a direct upload. Whereas feasibility analysis and part optimization could be selected separately in the previous App, they have now been merged. The first step is to upload a part, which is then analyzed in real time. The result is a display of design warnings and optimization potential. In the App, the entire Optimate expertise from the sheet metal working industry is available to users in a way that is easily accessible.

“We are planning extensive live demos at our booth at the EuroBLECH and are looking forward to welcoming visitors and to many compelling discussions about the new functions of our Optimate App.”

Über die Optimate GmbH

Founded in mid-2020 as a start-up based in Stuttgart, Optimate GmbH originated from an internal innovation program at Trumpf. The founders contribute years of experience in sheet metal processing and have incorporated this expertise into an advanced digital solution for part analysis and optimization. In addition to manufacturers and contract manufacturers, web stores and online marketplaces can also greatly benefit from the AI-based cloud solution. More about Optimate at: www.optimate.de

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Optimate GmbH
Lautenschlagerstraße 16
70173 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (176) 47663967

Julia Seyb
Marketing & Sales Specialist
Telefon: +49 (157) 50102773
E-Mail: info@optimate.de
Ralf M. Haaßengier
PRX Agentur für Public Relations GmbH
Telefon: +49 (711) 71899-03
E-Mail: ralf.haassengier@pr-x.de
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