In recent months, GBA Group has significantly expanded its service portfolio for customers in the pharmaceutical, medical device, cosmetics and agrochemical industries. Against this backdrop, the activities in this area will be combined in the new Life Sciences division in order to use the know-how available in these areas in the GBA network even more efficiently for customers in the future. The international network of companies, scientists, experienced project managers and highly qualified laboratory experts is thus even better able to offer expert support across locations and disciplines in a variety of areas of the research, development and product life cycle.

GBA Group thus underlines its commitment to making a significant contribution to maintaining and improving health as the basis for a better quality of life through its three divisions Life Sciences, Food and Environment and the expertise from research, development and quality assurance bundled there.

Steffen Walter, CEO GBA Group, has a clear goal in mind: "Global efforts in the field of health protection will continue to grow in the future. Against this backdrop, GBA Group has significantly expanded its Life Sciences portfolio and will continue to invest in this growth market in order to position itself as a professionally broad and internationally situated laboratory service provider as well as a provider of other services for the benefit of our society."


The GBA Group, founded in 1989, is one of Europe’s leading laboratory service providers and offers an international network of companies with highly qualified specialists in the fields of Life Sciences, Food and Environment. The focus is on providing solutions for our customers based on scientific and technical expertise. We have set ourselves the goal of continuous development in order to continually achieve the best performance and results. Together with our skilled employees and partners, we make an important contribution to preserving health, quality of life and environmental protection.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Goldtschmidtstraße 5
21073 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 797172-0
Telefax: +49 (40) 797172-27

Sabine Nest
Head of Corporate Communication
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