achelos GmbH will be presenting a comprehensive portfolio of Security Engineering services and individual Key Management solutions at the Hannover Messe from 17 to 21 April 2023. Manufacturers and integrators in the automation industry will be addressed on the "Industrial Security Circus" joint stand (Hall 16, Stand D04). These require secure Key Management solutions for connected manufacturing in order to demonstrate the authenticity of their hardware and software with high-quality electronic certificates.

The "Industrial Security Circus" joint stand is a point of contact for both users and product developers that are looking to protect their industrial products with security measures.

The following are the key topics that achelos will be presenting on the trade fair stand:

PKI System Consulting

achelos offers comprehensive services for establishing new or migrating existing Public Key Infrastructures – from system planning, through system provision, all the way up to secure operation. Not only the application-specific requirements and standards, but also the existing processes and certifications are taken into account here. Alongside consulting services, achelos provides a complete Public Key Infrastructure using PKI products from established manufacturers. As a manufacturer-independent provider, achelos can implement a solution comprising consulting, software and hardware that is both integrative and individually tailored to customer requirements.

Security Engineering

Increasing digitalisation and connectivity make the automation industry more and more susceptible to cyber attacks. Hackers can potentially manipulate systems and processes, stop production operations or even cause dangerous accidents. Thanks to their many years of experience in the development and evaluation of secure software, the experts at achelos can support you in securing the integrity, availability and confidentiality of critical data and systems. achelos provides its customers with professional and efficient support throughout the entire development and evaluation process of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) products in line with IEC 62443.

Visitors to the Hannover Messe will be able to explore these benefits for themselves:

  • Secure products: Development and provision of secure products without vulnerabilities that are resistant to attacks and other security threats
  • Future-proof: Efficient integration of cybersecurity into the development process
  • Risk minimisation: Secure software development from the outset, suitable for meeting the requirements of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and, where applicable, also for certification
  • Efficiency: Avoid spending lots of time and money on subsequent elimination of vulnerabilities

Cybersecurity Testing

Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Internet Key Exchange (IKE)/Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) are recognised standards that form the basis for secure IT networks. However, implementation and configuration are both highly complex and can offer loopholes for attackers if not performed correctly. The achelos test suites TLS Inspector and IKE/IPsec Inspector help detect and then close these loopholes.

Expert presentation in the Industrial Security Speakers Corner

In his presentations, Dr. Michael Jahnich will be talking about how industrial IoT can be secured with the use of Public Key Infrastructures in line with the most important security standard for the automation industry.

Public Key Infrastructures for securing industrial IoT according to IEC 62443

Dr. Michael Jahnich | achelos
Director Business Development

Dates and times:

  • Monday, 17 April 2023 | Time: 9:45 to 10:00 am
  • Wednesday, 19 April 2023 | Time: 3:30 to 4:00 pm

Venue: Industrial Security Speakers Corner @ Industrial Security Circus

Über die achelos GmbH

achelos is a manufacturer-independent consulting and software development firm with headquarters in Paderborn, Germany. The IT security experts develop and operate highly specialised products, solutions and services that comply with international security standards. achelos offers manufacturers and integrators in
the automation industry comprehensive support for setting up new and migrating public key infrastructures –
from planning, through provision, all the way up to secure operation. Application-specific requirements and standards are taken into account here alongside existing processes and certifications. In this way, achelos creates customer-optimised, individual key management solutions. achelos is also certified to ISO 9001,
ISO 27001 and Common Criteria. achelos Hungary Kft. has been operational since June 2022 as an additional development site in Budapest.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

achelos GmbH
Vattmannstraße 1
33100 Paderborn
Telefon: +49 (5251) 14212-0
Telefax: +49 (5251) 14212-100

Silke Esser
Director Marketing
Fax: +49 5251 14212-100
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