In the early 1990s, the procurement of spare parts was a great challenge for automotive glass fitters and manufacturers. Due to the poor availability of add-on components, windscreens could not be repaired or replaced promptly or with high quality. To be competitive, the aftermarket windscreen business needed alternative products to the OE items.

With the foundation of PMA GmbH in 1993, today’s PMA/TOOLS AG closed this gap in the automotive glass market.

“We are proud that PMA/TOOLS AG has been able to leave a lasting mark on the aftermarket”, says Uwe Kremer, managing director and founder of PMA/TOOLS AG. “It has always been of central importance to us that we focus on the needs of our customers and offer innovative products and services that help them to be successful. We will continue to work hard on this in the future and make our contribution to the development of the automotive replacement glass market."

The integration of automated driver assistance systems (ADAS) includes sensor and camera technology making the windscreen a high-tech product in modern vehicles. PMA/TOOLS AG has specialised in customised solutions and offers complex mouldings, trims, injection-moulded camera brackets and other high-quality components for industry and trade.

Today, the company is the leading supplier and producer of automotive glass accessories in Europe with an openness to change and further development. This is underlined by the new construction of its in-house calibration and training centre, which took place in 2020. In practical training courses, the company’s experienced training staff pass on their expertise to interested parties, for example to front-line glass fitters as well as automotive glass industry partners. The training topics reflect the growing requirements of modern windscreens as an increasingly technical component. Modern, laser-supported diagnostic equipment of all common brands is available for training purposes and calibration. In addition to ADAS training for cars and trucks, the focus is also on application and repair techniques.

The competent team from 16 nations continue to offer products and solutions that support customers in their daily work. The vision remains current: to enable and further expand the aftermarket industry.

Über die PMA/TOOLS GmbH

With subsidiaries in France, Spain, the USA and China, PMA/TOOLS AG offers the complete automotive glass accessories expertise from a single source. Acting globally as a full-range supplier with 30 years of experience to support products for the production and installation of automotive glass in the ARG market. Automotive glass manufacturers, specialist companies, garages and car parts trading companies are amongst customers of PMA/TOOLS AG. Notably in the field of camera-based driver assistance systems, PMA/TOOLS AG has long established itself as a service and technology partner for the aftermarket sector, and has built a state-of-the-art training centre for the calibration of automotive driver as-sistance systems, R.A.C.E.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Siemensring 42
47877 Willich
Telefon: +49 (2154) 9222-30
Telefax: +49 (2154) 9222-55

Nicole Ditges
Leitung Marketing
Telefon: 02154922230
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