From 14 to 16 September, the Düsseldorf-based technology group Rheinmetall is presenting the new HX ANACONDA wheeled bridge-laying system at the FIREmobil show at Welzow in the German state of Brandenburg. The exhibition and performance show brings together users and deciders from the crisis response and disaster relief community. Rheinmetall is putting forward the bridge-laying system as a solution for civil and military cooperation in crisis situations and natural disasters.

The bridge-layer consists of the Anaconda bridge-laying system from General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) and an HX 8×8 carrier vehicle from Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles (RMMV). An optional protected 10×10 variant could potentially expand the portfolio, enabling high-risk operations in terrain with unexploded ordnance, for example.

Developed in accordance with exacting military standards, the bridge-layer can carry out rapid bridge-laying operations on its own. It erects temporary bridges quickly and efficiently over obstacles such as rivers, culverts or destroyed roads – even in inhospitable terrain. The HX ANACONDA replaces destroyed or weakened crossings either with its robust 22-metre bridge or an equally qualified 2x12metre variant from GDELS. Its high load-carrying capacity means that it can handle even modern main battle tanks, meaning that is suitable for emergency response teams and heavy equipment of all types.

Visitors will be able to view that system at close quarters and see for themselves its many advantages and operational possibilities. Moreover, other HX vehicles will be presented statically and dynamically, including an excavator variant built in cooperation with CSM Industry. A militarised TG-mil 8×8 logistics truck will be on hand as well.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Rheinmetall AG
Rheinmetall Platz 1
40476 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (211) 473-01
Telefax: +49 (211) 473-4158

Oliver Hoffmann
Leiter Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 (211) 473 47 48
Fax: +49 (211) 473 41 58
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