The automated invoice processing in SAP with inPuncto solutions covers all steps—from invoice receipt to posting, including invoice verification, approval, and integration into Financial Accounting (FI) and Materials Management (MM). Various dependencies influence the invoice process and workflow.

Customization for Multinational Corporate Structures

A key success factor is the flexible adaptation of electronic invoice processing to different organizational units in SAP, such as company codes. These represent legally independent entities, which is particularly important for internationally operating companies. Every financial transaction, including electronic invoice processing, is assigned to a specific company code in SAP. This ensures that the transaction is recorded in the correct financial statement.

These structures can be specifically adapted within the inPuncto solution as needed. This is particularly beneficial for companies with multiple legal entities or international structures. The solution allows for the seamless integration of new business units, consolidation of existing structures, and efficient optimization of processes for different geographical or business units.

In SAP S/4HANA, the concept of "business areas" has been expanded. With a focus on customized reporting, SAP offers enhanced capabilities to map complex organizational requirements.

Automated Invoice Assignment and Workflow Management

Thanks to the inbound email processing server biz²ScanServer, invoices are automatically assigned to the corresponding company codes. Based on predefined processes, a specific workflow is initiated for each invoice for digital invoice verification in SAP. This ensures high process security and transparency.

Company Code-Specific Adjustments for Maximum Compliance

Electronic invoice processing requires consideration of numerous company code-specific requirements:

  • Tax Requirements: Adaptation to country-specific regulations for VAT and tax identification numbers.
  • Invoice Formats: Support for formats such as ZUGFeRD, XRechnung (Germany), FatturaPA (Italy), and ebInterface (Austria) in compliance with EN16931. It must be ensured that technical systems can generate and process these formats.
  • Platform Integration: In some countries, connecting to national invoice portals or platforms is mandatory, such as Peppol or local government portals like SDI in Italy. For the respective company codes, specialized interfaces may need to be implemented to ensure the seamless electronic transmission of invoices.
  • Legal Regulations: E-invoices must comply with country-specific regulations, such as requirements for digital signatures, archiving, or deadlines for invoice exchange. These requirements may necessitate company code-specific adjustments in SAP processes and workflows.
  • Language and Data Fields: Consideration of linguistic requirements and country-specific currency and data formats. Country-specific adjustments are essential to ensure that, for example, SAP company codes meet the legal and technical requirements of electronic invoice processing. These adjustments impact both system configurations and organizational processes within the respective company codes.

Increased Efficiency and Legal Compliance with inPuncto

The inPuncto software for electronic invoice processing offers a wide range of functions and can be implemented in various configurations, taking into account organizational structures, master data, and country- and customer-specific requirements. All legal requirements are implemented seamlessly and efficiently, relieving companies of administrative burdens and allowing them to focus on their core processes.

Do You Have Questions?

The inPuncto team is always happy to answer any questions about automated invoice processing in SAP for complex corporate structures.

Über die inPuncto GmbH

InPuncto GmbH is a SAP partner since 2000 and develops its own integrated enterprise content management solutions (ECM) for SAP to automate document-based business processes: add-on products, overall solutions based on them, product-related advice, perfectly coordinated hardware and high support quality.
The headquarters of inPuncto GmbH, founded in 1997, is in Esslingen, Germany.

More than 1,300 customers and over 200,000 users in 19 countries now use inPuncto’s add-on products.

Further information:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

inPuncto GmbH
Fabrikstr. 5
73728 Esslingen
Telefon: +49 (711) 66188-500
Telefax: +49 (711) 758786-14

Telefon: +49 (711) 66188-500
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