"It’s hip to be square", this song by the band Huey Lewis & the News sets the tone: continuity and reliability are in vogue, especially in difficult economic times. However, ISO’s current product portfolio proves that continuity does not exclude innovation.

At ITB 2025, March 4-6, ISO Travel Solutions is presenting groundbreaking innovations for proven products in the areas of reservation systems and e-commerce in hall 5.1, stand 133. The new developments increase efficiency, automation and flexibility in the travel industry and set new standards for tour operators and service providers.

Flagship Pacific: More Automation and Seamless Migration

The versatile production and reservation system Pacific is presented with numerous extensions:

  • Automated workflows checklist function to support employees
  • New Channel Manager connections and extended Amadeus flight connection for even more customized travel products
  • Innovative system migration: new process that enables the smooth transfer of current bookings from legacy systems

Further innovations:

  • Additional market-specific processes, g. for billing in Switzerland
  • Extended functions for coach travel

Internet Booking Engines: More Performance and Modularity

The ISO Internet Booking Engines (IBEs) for various fields of application offer even more flexibility for intuitive booking experiences:

  • Special workflows for Sun & Beach, round trips and combinable travel services
  • Modular design – from standard solutions to individual setups
  • Optimized performance thanks to a highly scalable architecture

In addition, the specially adapted headless CMS enables the operation of complete websites with numerous tried-and-tested themes and conversion-optimizing processes.

FastSearch: Ultra-fast Search Results and higher Data Quality

The new FastSearch caching solution is now directly connected to the Pacific reservation system. The first tour operators in Austria and Switzerland will benefit from a significant acceleration of their sales processes with the next Pacific release in Q2/2025.

NEW: FastSearch DQ, the innovative connection concept for optimizing data quality for 3rd party reservation systems.

Camino Messenger: Efficient Purchasing and Sales for Tour Operators and Service Providers

As a partner of the Camino network, ISO offers a fast connection to the Camino Messenger – for an efficient, cost-effective purchasing and sales channel in Web 3.0. The first customer projects with airlines and other travel providers are already being implemented.

AI-supported Process Optimization

ISO relies on artificial intelligence to automate and optimize travel processes.

  • Customer behavior forecasts help product managers with planning and control
  • Intelligent process automation ensures greater efficiency, e.g. in dynamic pricing or yield management
  • AI-supported product search through semantic text understanding of descriptions and reviews

Atlantic: Dynamic Packaging with MACH Technology

The dynamic reservation system Atlantic for Online Tour Operators (OTO) now offers complete connections to all common distribution systems.

  • Expansion of external flight and hotel connections
  • Automated packaging with flexible MACH technology

Meet ISO Travel Solutions live at ITB 2025! Let us show you how the innovations harmonize with the proven product range and can take your business to the next level.

Über die ISO Travel Solutions GmbH

ISO Travel Solutions GmbH specializes in IT solutions for tour operators and service providers. Its core business consists of reservation systems and e-commerce solutions – from Internet Booking Engine to complete websites including hosting. All solutions are individually configured and consist of powerful standard modules as well as individual customizations. In this way, customers benefit from constantly evolving applications and can also implement individual requirements effectively and at a good price-performance ratio. ISO Travel Solutions maintains long-term customer relationships and provides consulting and services tailored to the needs of its customers. The company currently supports around 30 customers in international markets and numerous segments of the travel industry – from tour operators, airlines and hotels to theme parks and destination agencies.

ISO Travel Solutions GmbH is part of the ISO-Gruppe, whose business areas range from the operation of complex airport systems, SAP solutions and services for the public sector to state-of-the-art medical technology and HR services. Around 700 employees work for the ISO-Gruppe at several locations in Germany as well as in Austria, Poland and Canada. Effective processes and high-quality project management are the company’s DNA. ISO Travel Solutions GmbH with offices in Nuremberg, Munich and Frankfurt am Main is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

Further information can be found at: www.isotravel.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ISO Travel Solutions GmbH
Eichendorffstraße 33
90491 Nürnberg
Telefon: +49 (911) 99594-0
Telefax: +49 (911) 99594-129

Oliver Haake
Marketing & PR Manager
Telefon: +49 (911) 99594-0
Fax: +49 (911) 99594-129
E-Mail: oliver.haake@iso-gruppe.com
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