With an impressive number of trade visitors, a high level of international attendees and great interest in innovative sales concepts, the company was once again able to emphasise its position as a pioneering manufacturer of high-quality kitchen appliances.

International acclaim for the BEEZER®

An outstanding highlight of the trade fair appearance was the BEEZER® – the revolutionary solution for perfectly chilled drinks in record time. The innovative appliance, which brings drinks to perfect drinking temperature ten times faster than a freezer, attracted a great deal of international interest and confirmed ritterwerk’s successful expansion strategy. ‘The enormous enthusiasm from a wide variety of markets shows us that the BEEZER® has the potential to permanently change the way people cool drinks,’ according to the managing directors.

‘Less is more’ – successfully focussing on core products

With a clear focus on the core products BEEZER® and lupo13, ritterwerk deliberately pursued the motto ‘Less is more’ this year. This strategy paid off: The targeted product presentation ensured a high visitor frequency at the stand and more intensive engagement with ritter’s innovative solutions. The lupo13 deli slicer in particular, which combines precision, quality and a unique design, was met with great enthusiasm.

A stand concept that won people over – design, atmosphere and interaction

ritter’s trade fair appearance was not only a complete success thanks to its product presentations, but also thanks to the exceptional stand concept. With a modern, innovative design, an inviting bar with bartender Brano Sendrei from Boston Café & Cocktailbar Starnberg, and the presence of bread baking specialist Marian Moschen, also known as ‘mann backt’, the stand became a meeting point for trade visitors, partners and customers. ‘We wanted to create an atmosphere in which our guests could feel comfortable and engage intensively with our products – and we more than succeeded,’ summarised the sales team.

Strong brand presentation and positive feedback

In addition to the enthusiasm for individual products, the overall image that ritterwerk conveyed at the trade fair was also a complete success. The stand impressively conveyed the ‘ritter spirit’ – innovation, precision and quality combined with a modern, style-conscious appearance. ‘The feedback from our customers and partners was consistently positive – both in terms of our products and the way in which we presented ourselves as a brand,’ concluded the management.

With a strengthened brand image, valuable new contacts and a clear confirmation of its strategic direction, ritterwerk is optimistic about the future. Ambiente 2025 has once again shown that innovation, quality and a well thought-out stand concept are the success factors for a sustainable brand identity.

ritter. Makes more out of food.

Über die ritterwerk GmbH

Kitchen appliances for the highest demands since 1905
Over 100 years of experience in the development and manufacture of kitchen appliances is what gives us the sovereignty to continue to drive forward the best innovations for our customers in the future: open to new ideas, but committed to tradition. You can rely on us and our products. We have always delivered consistent quality and are always personally available for our customers and partners. Appreciation is what drives us. We value our customers and partners and develop products that meet their requirements in terms of quality, performance and design. We are fully committed to what we do – from conceptualisation to production. Just like our products: powerful and high-performance.

superior – reliable – appreciative – powerful

Weitere Informationen unter: [url=http://www.ritterwerk.com]http://www.ritterwerk.com[/url]

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ritterwerk GmbH
Industriestraße 13
82194 Gröbenzell
Telefon: +49 (8142) 44016-0
Telefax: +49 (8142) 44016-70

Victoria Keller
Telefon: +49 (8142) 4401639
Fax: +49 (8142) 4401671
E-Mail: victoria.keller@ritterwerk.de
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