In 2024, AGE Web Solutions integrated StepOver’s electronic signature solution, webSignatureOffice, into their primary cloud product, AGE Suite. This integration enables users to initiate the signature process with a single click within AGE Suite. The document is transmitted to StepOver’s digital signature system, where the signing process is managed. Upon completion, the document is automatically re-uploaded to AGE Suite. This streamlined workflow saves users considerable time and resources, offering a more convenient experience. Preliminary analyses indicate that the new process is twice as fast as the previous method.

The digital signature solution provided by StepOver has been incorporated into AGE Suite for all documents requiring a legally valid signature. This includes, for instance, the company’s Risk Assessment Document, mandated by Italian law.

Prior to this integration, users had to sign all documents on paper. They needed to print documents generated by AGE Suite, sign them, scan them, and then upload them back into AGE Suite. This process was both time-consuming and inefficient. Even when using external e-signature software, users still had to manually upload the documents. With the integration this limitation could be eliminated.

Matteo Tassinari, responsible for the integration at AGE Web Solutions, states: “With the integration of webSignatureOffice, the process has improved significantly. We highly recommend StepOver due to the excellent support they provided, guiding us through the implementation of their digital signature system.”

Currently, all users of AGE Suite are informed about the new electronic signature solution, so that everyone can benefit from this development.

About AGE Web Solutions

AGE Web Solutions is an Italian company specializing in the development of AGE Suite, a software solution for workplace health and safety, as well as for implementing quality, environment, and safety management systems. The company also offers extensive consulting services, aiming to assist customers in achieving their HSEQ objectives, from the initial process to obtaining certification.

About StepOver

For over two decades, StepOver has specialized in crafting comprehensive electronic signature solutions. All hardware, software, and cloud products are developed and manufactured in Stuttgart, ensuring a seamless, single-source experience for clients. StepOver provides tailored solutions ranging from handwritten electronic signatures on signature pads, tablets, or smartphones to certificate-based online signatures.

Über die StepOver GmbH

We have been developing solutions for electronic signatures for more than 20 years. All our hardware, software and cloud products are developed and produced by us in Stuttgart – everything from a single source. From handwritten electronic signatures on a signature pad, tablet or smartphone to certificate-based online signatures, we offer custom-fit solutions for our customers and partners.

With our “Made in Germany” products, we have a strong position not only nationally but also internationally. We work with renowned solution providers and sales partners worldwide. We live quality, security, reliability, innovation and sustainability.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

StepOver GmbH
Otto-Hirsch-Brücken 17
70329 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 12026930
Telefax: +49 (711) 12026931

Jakob Steigerwald
Senior Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 711 120 269 30
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