The Industrial Refrigeration Network Conference (IRN) will take place at the SCHAUFLER Academy in Rottenburg-Ergenzingen from 4 to 5 June 2025. BITZER, the specialist in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump technology, is hosting the conference for the second time. The focus is on safe, future-proof and energy-efficient solutions based on natural refrigerants in industrial refrigeration.

In June, the Industrial Refrigeration Network Conference (IRN) will take place for the second time at the BITZER international training centre in Rottenburg-Ergenzingen, the SCHAUFLER Academy. The aim of the English-language conference is to create a recurring platform for thought leaders in industrial refrigeration in Europe. Participants include manufacturers, installers and contractors, planners as well as end users and scientific representatives. Industry associations such as Eurammon and IIAR (International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration) are also involved in the event to further promote the use of natural refrigerants in Europe. The IRN conference was launched in 2024 by a group of European HVAC&R component and system suppliers.

‘At the IRN conference, we bring together experts to discuss current topics in industrial refrigeration and to present and discuss solutions. The two-day event offers participants a platform to exchange ideas on the latest trends and challenges and thus actively shape the future of industrial refrigeration,’ says Bernhard Blaeser, Head of Industrial Refrigeration at BITZER. The challenges in industrial refrigeration are both technical and economic. They call for continuous innovation and adaptation in order to meet the industry’s requirements in terms of regulation, efficiency and sustainability.

The conference consists of different formats, including:

// Key notes on the status quo and outlook for the future of industrial refrigeration

// Technical presentations by various players in the industrial refrigeration sector

// Exhibition stands of the conference sponsors, who will present future-oriented solutions for industrial refrigeration. At BITZER, the Ammonia Compressor Packs (ACPs) – screw compressor packs specially developed for the refrigerant ammonia – serve as an example of innovation. What makes them special is that they provide customers with fully assembled, ready-to-use compressor units that can be quickly and easily installed on site.

// Networking opportunities for participants

Registration for the IRN conference is open until 29 May 2025 via the following link: Industrial Refrigeration Network Conference (IRN) 2025. Interested parties can also view the agenda there.

As an independent specialist for refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump technology, BITZER is present all over the world: with products and services for refrigeration, air conditioning and process cooling as well as transport, BITZER ensures optimum temperature conditions for trade in goods, industry processes and indoor climate control – always striving for the highest possible energy efficiency and quality. BITZER is represented all over the world with 75 sites in 40 countries, including its sales companies and production facilities. Trade and service partners included, the BITZER network of manufacturing, development and sales extends to almost all countries in the world. In 2023, more than 4,300 employees generated a turnover of €1.01 billion; expenditure for research and development totalled €61 million.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

BITZER Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH
Peter-Schaufler-Platz 1
71065 Sindelfingen
Telefon: +49 7031 932-0
Telefax: +49 7031 932-147

Stefanie Holst
Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing Content
Telefon: +49 (7031) 932-4327
Fax: +49 (7031) 932543-70
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