achelos, a Paderborn-based consultancy and systems provider for cybersecurity and digital identities, will once again be represented at the world’s premier industrial trade fair, the HANNOVER MESSE. The company will showcase its extensive portfolio of security engineering services and key management solutions for connected manufacturing.

The HANNOVER MESSE will open its doors from 31 March to 4 April this year. achelos, experts in industrial cybersecurity, will once again be exhibiting at the world’s premier trade fair for industrial transformation technologies.  The company will be part of the joint stand "Industrial Security Circus"  in Hall 16, Booth 12 (13), the dedicated hub for security solutions in the connected industry.

"We’re pleased to be back at the leading industrial trade fair, catching up with familiar faces and making new connections", said Dr Michael Jahnich, Director of Business Development | Cybersecurity Systems at achelos. "The HANNOVER MESSE is always at the forefront of innovation, and we’re confident that our portfolio will be a valuable addition to the fair."

The HANNOVER MESSE brings together companies from a wide range of different sectors, including the mechanical engineering, electrical and digital industries. Over 4,000 exhibitors from a broad spectrum of fields will be presenting more than 14,000 different products and services, and 1,600 speakers will be taking part in the programme as well. Around 130,000 visitors are expected to attend the HANNOVER MESSE from 31 March to 4 April.

As an experienced system integrator, achelos combines a high degree of expertise in consulting with strong technical competence, focusing on the implementation of CRA, NIS 2, IEC 62443 and TR 03183-0 in IT and OT systems. Its solutions and services include Industrial Security Engineering, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) consulting and Identity and Access Management (IAM) consulting. achelos provides support in the areas of planning, provision, implementation and operation and proves that user-friendly access management and the most stringent security standards aren’t mutually exclusive.

The achelos team looks forward to engaging discussions with you in person at the Industrial Security Circus joint stand. Feel free to make an appointment in advance with Dr Michael Jahnich, Carola Schwarzenberg, Denis Bock or Laurenz Diedam here.

achelos‘ exhibitor page at the 2025 Hannover Messe:

Über die achelos GmbH

"Wir machen die vernetzte Welt sicherer!"

achelos GmbH is a consultancy and systems provider for cybersecurity and digital identities founded in Paderborn in 2008. The independent provider develops robust solutions and offers service packages in various expansion stages for secure products and applications. For its customers from the fields of healthcare, industry, the public sector, digital payment and telecommunications, achelos translates security standards into viable solutions in line with the requirements of compliance. Customers benefit from this holistic approach – from consulting and conception to software development and certification, through to secure operation. achelos is certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and Common Criteria and has a prestigious network of partners.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

achelos GmbH
Vattmannstraße 1
33100 Paderborn
Telefon: +49 (5251) 14212-0
Telefax: +49 (5251) 14212-100

Bianca Dören
Public Relations & Events
Telefon: +49 5251 14212-341
Fax: +49 5251 14212-100
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