Packaging Valley Germany e.V. is continuing its successful trade fair appearances and will also be presenting itself at FACHPACK in Nuremberg in 2025 with a large community stand. From 23 to 25 September 2025, visitors to Hall 3C will experience the diversity of Packaging Valley and thus a wide range of innovative packaging, machine and automation solutions on an area of around 1,400 square metres with over 20 co-exhibitors.

Hotspot for innovations and industry know-how: FACHPACK is one of the most important trade fairs for the packaging industry in Europe and offers a unique space for the exchange of information on current trends, technological developments and industry-specific challenges. Companies from Packaging Valley will present their latest technologies and applications for the pharmaceutical, food and non-food industries, such as the use of AI in packaging machine construction, Digital Engineering and robotics – topics that are increasingly shaping the entire value chain and are an expression of the far-reaching technological change in the industry.

Industry dialogue and PACKBOX stage

Visitors will have the opportunity to exchange ideas directly with experts from Packaging Valley and gain in-depth insights into future-oriented technologies and developments. The Packaging Valley joint stand serves as a platform to meet potential customers and partners, make new business contacts and deepen existing relationships. You can experience innovation first-hand – from smart machines to sustainable packaging solutions – and get a comprehensive overview of the latest trends in the industry. The compact arrangement of the joint stand makes it possible to explore the diversity of Packaging Valley in short distances and to take away impulses for future developments.

A special highlight is Packaging Valley Germany’s participation in PACKBOX, the expert forum of FACHPACK. In Hall 4, Stand 4-209, specialist lectures and discussions on current challenges and trends in the packaging industry will take place. The event offers the opportunity for professional exchange and provides a comprehensive insight into future developments in the industry.

Co-exhibitors at the Packaging Valley joint booth:

APS Techgroup GmbH
Bucher Automation AG
Harro Höfliger Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH
Ingenieurbüro Lawrenov OHG
Ishida GmbH
Lenord, Bauer & Co. GmbH
Leuze electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Max Schlatterer GmbH & Co. KG
Murrelektronik GmbH
Omron Electronics GmbH
OPTIMA packaging group GmbH
Rockwell Automation GmbH
Schneider Electric GmbH
Schreyer Sondermaschinen GmbH
STAKO GmbH Maschinenbau
SVZ Maschinenbau GmbH
ZEBRA Engineering GmbH

Über den Packaging Valley Germany e.V.

About Packaging Valley Germany e. V. – The Cluster for Packaging Machinery and Automation in Germany

Founded in 2007, the Packaging Valley Germany e.V. cluster is the world’s most innovative competence center for intelligent and sustainable packaging, machine and automation solutions. The cluster for packaging machine construction and automation emerged from a merger of the clusters Packaging Valley Germany Region Hohenlohe and Packaging Excellence Region Stuttgart and today networks over 100 companies throughout Germany. These include manufacturers of packaging systems and machines, providers of software and automation solutions, manufacturers of components, providers of services related to the packaging industry and public institutions. The companies in Packaging Valley are always one step ahead of the future and offer the market the best technologies in the field of packaging machine construction and automation. International market leaders from the food, beverages, confectionery, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors are among its customers. The headquarters of Packaging Valley Germany e.V. is in Waiblingen, with another office in Schwäbisch Hall. The majority of the members are based in the southwest, with a focus on the Stuttgart and Hohenlohe regions. Since 2024, the regional focus of the cluster has been expanded beyond southwestern Germany in order to be able to integrate packaging machinery companies based throughout Germany.

Packaging Valley is supported by the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS).

Information on further dates, activities and member companies of Packaging Valley Germany e. V. can be found at:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Packaging Valley Germany e.V.
Stauffenbergstraße 20
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Telefon: +49 791 202195 30

Christine Fischer
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