From March 10–11, 2025, a three-member expert review panel, led by Pan Wei, Kang Wenbin, and Liu Haixin, conducted the first on-site evaluation of Mingcheng Tengde Testing Services (Fuzhou) Co., Ltd. (hereafter “the institution”). The review, mandated by the Fujian Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries, assessed the institution’s compliance with China’s Agricultural Product Quality Safety Inspection Agency Accreditation Guidelines (MOA Announcement No. 1239) and related regulations.

The evaluation focused on the institution’s technical capabilities and operational protocols for aquatic product safety testing. The panel reviewed documentation, inspected chemical and microbiological laboratories, and observed practical testing procedures. Key personnel, including authorized signatories, underwent rigorous assessments. The review process incorporated interviews, facility inspections, practical exams, and sample testing to ensure alignment with national standards.

This milestone underscores Tentamus Mandy Analytics Fuzhou Co.,Ltd.’s commitment to advancing food safety in China’s aquatic sector. The review not only validates the institution’s technical proficiency but also reinforces public trust in quality assurance systems for agricultural products.

Tentamus Mandy Analytics Fuzhou Co.,Ltd. specializes in comprehensive quality and safety testing for aquatic products, offering accredited analytical services to ensure compliance with national and international standards.

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